Chapter 46: Back with the Ex

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Natasha glared at Yelena, as she sat opposite her at the tiny table in the small apartment. “So too summarise, I’m now sharing a two bedroom flat with my daughter, my sister and two of my ex boyfriends….”

“Well I only thought it would be one ex boyfriend in my defence,” replied Yelena matter of factly.

“Yelena,” snapped Natasha dropping her cup of tea harshly onto the table.

“Look we need all the help we can get. Matt won’t mind the sofa, I can share with the Winter Soldier, and you can share with Wanda,” Yelena stated.

“Do not sleep with him Yelena,” muttered Natasha.

“Like I would want your sloppy seconds anyway Natalia,” joked Yelena.

“Can you be serious please for once in your life!”

“Fine Nat, Look we are only going to be here for a week or so, and then we can meet Mother.”

“Yeah, because this won’t be awkward at all going to see our parents with my two ex boyfriends while my current boyfriend is in America. She is going to think I’m running a harem,” groaned Natasha.

“Oh come on Nat, Mother has always known you enjoyed an active sex life,” said Yelena as she took a cocky sip of her own tea.

“I would rather not talk about my sex life, knowing my luck that would be the moment Wanda returns with the boys and the food,” moaned Natasha with a sigh.

“I’m pretty sure she knows you have sex,” replied Yelena knowingly.

“Please do me a favour Yelena, sex is an awkward topic for Wanda. I know you are a fan of the innuendo and making jokes but please don’t in front of her,” asked Natasha.

Yelena’s smile dropped from her face and was replaced with barely subdued anger, “What happened to the little mouse? Did someone hurt her?”

“I knew you cared about your niece really, despite all your posturing,” said Natasha with a warm content smile.

“Of course I do, she is your kid… Now who do I need to castrate and kill?”

“Yelena,” the disapproval evidenced by the way Natasha drew the name out. “I appreciate the offer but it’s unnecessary. I also need your discretion on the topic, do not approach her about it.”

“Ok Nat, I will try and reign it in a bit,” said Yelena softly. “But it is like asking me to not breathe.”

Natasha rolled her eyes at the younger woman, but was interrupted before she could answer by the front door opening. Bucky carried and dropped the box full of Chinese food on the small table.

Natasha looked at him in alarm, “Where’s Wanda?”

“She’s just coming up with her new best friend,” snarked Bucky obviously slightly jealous of how quickly the witch had bonded with the blind lawyer.

Natasha then heard hushed talking and laughing as the two of them walked into the kitchen. Wanda rushed over to Natasha, “Matt was just telling me about the time you both had to hide from the nuns…..”

Can't Ask, Don't Need, Won't Acknowledge  Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora