Chapter 37: Sartorial Greetings

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Wanda sat sipping her hot chocolate in contentment. She glanced over and smiled at Laura bustled around the kitchen, preparing what looked like a dinner to feed an army.

“Do you need any help?” questioned Wanda, feeling guilty that she was just sitting there.

“No, I’m fine Wanda, why don’t you go see your uncle? I’m sure he is dying to show you his new bow,” replied Laura, though she was grateful of the offer of assistance. Laura was a control freak who believed too many cooks was a bad thing. She was also aware she would be unable to prevent the other women from helping; both Pepper and Natasha were stubborn fools in their own special ways.

Wanda nodded, before placing her empty mug into the sink. She ventured outside into the cold air. Wanda stepped out her bare feet crunching against the frosty grass. She hated wearing shoes even in the cold. She turned to look up when she felt something small and hard collide with her in the head. Wanda winced and grimaced in an annoyance as she rubbed the offending spot. She threw her head back and spied her uncle in the tree, “What was that for?”

Clint laughed, “For not wearing shoes outside.”

Wanda retorted, “This is child abuse you know, throwing things at your niece.”

“You admitting you are a child now?” replied Clint in amusement. Wanda just cocked an eyebrow at him.

“You are going to catch a cold though, you need to get your feet out of the cold,” continued Clint. Wanda smirked at his wording, and lowered her hands as she concentrated slightly. Clint jumped down from the trees and laughed at the now levitating teenager.

“Not quite what I had in mind Wanda,” smirked Clint.

“Hey, I did what you said!”


Natasha smiled as she watched them from the bedroom window, before finally turning to face the teenager boy who was stood in the corner.

“Is this really necessary Aunty Nat?”

“Probably not,” replied Natasha with her trademark sass.

Peter groaned, and then turned to face her. Natasha approached the boy and pulled him into a hug, “You can change your mind Peter. We are back in America now, if you want I can explain what happened to Tony and your Aunt May, and they can discipline you.”

Peter cringed when he heard the word discipline, his body reacting in a way he couldn’t control. “If you deal with it, will you tell them?”

Natasha shook her head slowly, “No what happened in London stayed in London.”

“I am sorry Aunty Nat, but thanks for you know… Looking after …. um… me..” Peter finished the sentence trailing off awkwardly. Natasha smiled warmly at the inelegant teenager.

“You are welcome Peter. I will always look out for you,” she pulled the teenager towards and kissed his forehead. Peter rubbed the spot, “Aunty Nat, you are so embarrassing!”

“There is no-one else here,” laughed Natasha.

“Not the point,” replied Peter. Natasha’s smile dropped as she realised they needed to get this over with, “Do you understand what you did wrong?”

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