chapter 12: Concrete Jungle

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Wanda had to admit she did like New York. It was everything she shouldn't like, Capitalist, consumerist and American. Meandering through the city without an actual goal or a place to be was surprisingly relaxing. Especially with the exuberant teenage tour guide she had showing her all the sights.

They slowly walked through central park, Wanda had been rather underwhelmed by the John Lennon memorial. Calling it minimalist seemed to do a dis-service to the art movement. She lowered herself onto a bench in the park, reaching into her pocket she retrieved her cigarette carton. Peter looked at her in disapproval but said nothing as she let the stick in her mouth.

He let her take a few pulls on it before daring to ask the question on his mind, "So why did you really want to come with me?"

Wanda sighed, "I'm honestly really enjoying myself Peter..."

"but?" he questioned.

Wanda looked thoughtful, "I need to do some research."

Peter's interest was peaked, "What kind of research?"

"I need to stakeout a building, how do you feel about carrying out a time heist?"

Peter looked at her curiously and watched as she stubbed out the cigarette on the floor.

"a time heist?" his interest clearly peaked.

"Pete, what do you know about the infinity stones?"


Peter turned to Wanda, "You ready for this?"

Wanda nodded at him, before turning to a bin in the park. They glanced over to where Happy was standing, a distance from them but clearly watching them the whole time. She waved her hand and moved some paper into her hand, using her lighter she set fire to the paper and tossed it into the full bin. They watched as the flames licked up into the air. "Fire!" Peter screamed.

Wanda watched as the panic ensured, as people ran in all directions. Some towards the fire, others away from it. Peter took the opportunity of Happy's attention being taken away from them to quickly flee the scene.

"I can't believe that actually worked..." gasped Wanda as she struggled to breath leaning against the wall of the building. They had sprinted what felt like 10 blocks.

"Distractions always work," replied Peter. "It's the one thing every movie ever has ever taught me."

"Thanks for helping me with this Pete," gushed Wanda slightly.

Peter's cheeks blushed under the praise, "come on let's find this place."

The building in front of them was ominous in design. Peter looked at the big doors, and instantly knew walking through the front door would not be an option. "I think the roof would be the best bet."

Wanda nodded in agreement. She jumped on Peter's back as he started to scale up the building.

"So what are you going to do with this time stone?"

"Bring back Pietro," she answered quickly. Peter stopped his climb, "The stone can do that?"

Wanda shrugged, "I don't know, but I have to try." Peter was clearly lost in a thought, but decided to continue the ascent. He jumped up onto the flat roof of the building. Wanda took the opportunity to set her feet on the roof, she could have just floated up but there was something reassuring about being carried by Peter.

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