chapter 50: Reality Bites part 2

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Wanda sat in shock on the plane, her face was still slightly damp from where Natasha had wiped the blood off her face. She could hear the hushed angry whispers from the cockpit of the plane, before she saw Natasha storm out of the small room. Her face twisted in anger, but it softened when she saw Wanda gazing at her.

"You ok princess?"

Wanda nodded, "What.....Why......." She trailed off unsure on what to really say. Wanda paused for a moment, "remember when you told me you would answer my questions if I knew what to ask." She chuckled sadly to herself, "But I never know what to ask you."

"I'm sorry Wanda," replied Natasha for once unsure what else to say.

"Is this what you didn't want to tell me? I mean I've always known what you were involved with, but seeing is..." She trailed off again.

"I'm sorry you saw that," stated Natasha softly.

"I've seen worse Mama. I grew up during a civil war, I was in an experimental facility. You think that is the first person I have seen die in front of me? I felt Pietro's life end because of my powers."

Natasha hesitated for a second as the realisation dawned on her, "That was why you screamed.... you felt his pain..."

Wanda looked away and stared at the wall, "it's fine Mama. It's over now." She took a slight shuddery breath as her lungs exhaled.

"At least we know now. Your powers...." Stated Natasha out loud more verbalising her thoughts than adding anything cohesive to the conversation.

"Are you sure we are the good guys?" Asked Wanda innocently. "I mean that was an execution...."

Natasha grimaced slightly, 'that was why I was having a disagreement with your aunt. She lied to me. I never would have had you here if I knew the Hand were involved."

"Who are the Hand?" Questioned Wanda.

"They are... Dangerous," explained Natasha.

"They are more than dangerous," cut in Matt, as he moved into the main cabin. The door to the cockpit closed automatically behind him, "They are the personification of evil."

Natasha rolled her eyes slightly at him, "Always bringing things back to the devil Matty."

She then narrowed her eyes in disdain, "You knew didn't you? That's why you are here. You always chase the Hand. I should have known better, for you to get involved in the red-room."

"It's not like that Natty," replied Matt.

"Have you been playing me? You have put my daughter in danger. They saw her! They know about her," shouted Natasha.

"She is power beyond measure," shouted back Matt. "Do you have any idea the good she could do? If you would just take the child reigns off."

"My daughter is not a weapon for you to use," stated Natasha in anger.

"She's not your daughter. You just attach to anyone around. Your fake parents, fake siblings. Anything to avoid being the orphan you are. Why can't you just accept your reality? That's why we never worked. You couldn't handle being with someone like you, left alone."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2023 ⏰

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