Chapter 30: Mrs Rushman I presume?

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Wanda sipped away at the hot chocolate as she relaxed into Natasha’s arms. Steve and Natasha seemed to be having a conversation with their eyes. Natasha then turned to the girl in her arms, “Wanda we need to know something.”

Wanda looked at her curiously, “What do you need to know?”

“Who have you been sneaking out to meet?” asked Steve. Wanda blushed and shook her head, “I would rather not say.”

Natasha plucked the half drunk mug out of the teenager’s hands and gave it to Steve. Ignoring the disgruntled “Hey” that came out of the girl’s mouth.

“Wanda, you have to tell us.”

Wanda crossed her arms against her chest indignantly, “no I don’t.”

Natasha narrowed her eyes at the teenager, and reacted quicker than Wanda thought was possible. She soon found herself back over the older woman’s knee. Wanda squirmed in shock and displeasure, “Mama no! I’m too sore.”

“Are you going to talk to us without the attitude??” questioned Natasha in annoyance, though she shared a look with Steve. She had no intention of further punishing the teen, and just hoped for once the teen didn’t realise it was an empty threat. Natasha just needed her to understand the seriousness of the situation. They could not afford to let this slide.

“Yes Mama, let me up,” Natasha sighed in relief at the response and lifted the teen back into her arms.

“Who have you been meeting?”

Wanda mumbled the answer and then pushed her face into the crook of Natasha’s neck. Steve looked confused as he didn’t hear the name from his position, but he saw Natasha’s expression change.

She looked up at him, “We need to pack up, and go to the next location. We have been compromised.”

Wanda heard the words and groaned. She lifted her head up, “he won’t betray us. I know he won’t. He hasn’t yet as he?”

Natasha glared at her kid, “They could be mobilising now for all we know. How could you put yourself in danger like this Wanda? Us? and Peter?”

“I trust him,” whispered Wanda sadly.

Natasha softened her glare, “Wanda we have to be so careful. You understand what will happen to us if we are caught don’t you?”

Wanda nodded and visibly shook as she remembered her brief time on the raft.

“But I promise you, Vision isn’t like that. He cares for us.”

Steve paled as he finally heard the name, “but how do you know he hasn’t been followed?”

Wanda paled, “I’m sorry…I didn’t think.”

“When are you due to meet him again?” asked Natasha.

“Monday lunchtime,” replied Wanda shortly. Natasha turned to Steve, “We will go meet with him.”

“What you will come with me?” asked Wanda naively.

Natasha snorted in response, “You will not be coming with us. You will be staying at school. On Monday morning you are going to be showing me how you have been sneaking out.”

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