Chapter 39: A New Dawn

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Pepper stomped angrily back up the walkway of the jet, her heels clanking loudly on the metal. Peter followed meekly behind her, being dragged slightly by the wrist. Tony brought up the rear, trying to calm the situation down.

“Pepper, don’t over-react!”

She wrenched her neck around harshly to glare at the man, “I’m hardly over-reacting. Steve should never have told Peter about Siberia. Just like it wasn’t our place to tell Wanda about it. It’s not one rule for one and one for another. They are both children.” Pepper released her grip on Peter’s arm, who reacted by just rubbing the red spot on his arm slightly. It hadn’t really hurt him but he was more embarrassed about being frog marched from the restaurant.

“I’m not a child for the record,” sneered Peter in annoyance. Pepper just narrowed her eyes , “get your butt on the jet, and get ready for the flight. I need to talk to Tony.”

Peter shook his head, “not if you are going to talk about me.”

Pepper in annoyance turned to the teenager, “get in that jet now. I have never been so annoyed with you. How you reacted was childish.”

“Maybe I’m fed up with everyone treating Wanda like some delicate little precious flower!” Shouted Peter.

Pepper pinched the top of her nose in an attempt to soothe her headache. She exhaled loudly the breathe she didn’t even consciously realise she was holding, “Peter please.”

Peter glanced helplessly between the two adults his anger deflating at the defeated look on their faces.

“Please Underoo, get on the jet,” sighed Tony as he ran his hand through his black hair.


Wanda wrenched her hand out of Steve’s the second they boarded the jet, her eyes flashing red in anger.

“Wanda please…”

She held her hand up to silence him, “I don’t want to hear it, I need some space.” she shoved past him purposely driving her shoulder into his.

“Wanda,” rebuked Natasha, “apologise for that now.”

She turned abruptly her hair floating with red tendrils, a literal manifestation of her rage. “Bite me Romanoff.”
Natasha went to chase after her, as she turned and stormed off, but Steve held up his hand to halt her. “Leave her Nat, let her calm down, we are all a bit emotional right now.”

“She can’t speak to us like that,” snapped Natasha.

“I know, but she’s an emotional teenager, we need to be the adults here.”

Natasha deflated and capitulated to his words, “Ok Steve.”

He pulled her into his body, rested her head against his chest and ran his fingers through her short blonde hair.

“I think I miss the red,” he finally whispered. Natasha snorted in laughter, before burying her face into his muscular chest.


Wanda sat cross legged on her bed, her fingers caressed around the metal Ipod in her hands. It was easier to distract herself when there was something tactile in her hands.

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