Chapter 44: The Rome Statue

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“So you are asking me to lie?” questioned Bucky crossing his arms to show his disdain towards the concept.

Natasha ran her hand through her short red hair, as they both watched the sun drop under the mountains. Wakanda was truly beautiful to behold. Her bare feet moved in the sandy dirt as she drew circles with her toe. “I’m not asking you to lie, I’m asking you to skirt the truth…”

Bucky shook his head as he uncrossed his arms and leaned back onto his hands, “You are asking me to lie to your kid and your boyfriend. My best friend.” He added that the end trying to emphasis the gravity of what Natasha was requesting from him.

“It’s more of an omission,” replied Natasha awkwardly, her own body language now mirroring Bucky’s former stance. Her arms folded tightly against her chest.

“So to confirm, I’m not to tell Wanda I’m the one that shot you and I’m not to tell Steve that we have slept together….”

Natasha pinched her lips together in annoyance, “That last bit also applies to Wanda. My daughter does not need to know about my sex life.”

“Keeping secrets Natasha. It never ends well. We have already seen the result of that happening once,” argued Bucky back, but he sat forward closing the gap between the two adults, but recrossed his arms tensely.

“Bucky… James..” Natasha whispered, “Please. Do this for me…..This is me pulling my favour….”

Bucky huffed in annoyance, “Fine doll, but we are even now.” Natasha unclenched her arms and let the limbs fool loosely by her side, as the stress exited her body. She breathed out in relief and rested her hand on top of Bucky’s still clenched arms. “Thank you…”
Bucky relaxed his arms down as well, “You are still a pain in my ass Romanova…”

Natasha smirked at him, “Of course I am.”

She bumped into him playfully, causing the winter soldier to laugh at her.

Wanda watched the playfulness between the two adults as she approached the pair. She smiled at how at ease and relaxed Natasha seemed.

“Hey…” she said causing the two adults to turn their heads.

“Hey darling,” said Bucky gently making Wanda blush slightly. Natasha jabbed him with her elbow.

Wanda regained her composure, “Hi Uncle James, can we talk?” She then looked pointedly to Natasha, “Alone.”

Natasha just stood up in resignation, “I get it, but not too long Wanda. Bedtime is in thirty Minutes.”

“Mama,” groaned Wanda. “You are embarrassing me…”

Natasha walked over and kissed Wanda’s cheek, “I don’t care, make sure you are back in your room in 30 minutes.”

“An hour,” countered Wanda.

“45 minutes,” replied Natasha, and held her hand up to halt Wanda when she went to interrupt, “quit while you are ahead.”

Wanda rolled her eyes playfully but still smiled at the older woman, “Fine.” Out of context Wanda’s response could seem petulant but her tone showed it was merely in jest. Natasha rubbed her arm, before leaving the two of them alone. Bucky patted the ground next to him, “Grab a seat Doll…”

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