Chapter 35: The penultimate days

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“Are you even listening to me Pete?” He turned to face the teenager, yawning as he did.

“Yeah, Sorry Wanda, just a bit tired,” explained Peter, stretching as they walked down the street.

“So what do we do then?” asked Wanda again. She took a sip of her Starbucks as they walked down the street towards the underground station.

Peter shrugged at her, “Maybe make something?”

Wanda scrunched her nose up in slight disgust, “We aren’t infants. We can’t just make something out of Paper mache.”

Peter smirked at Wanda, “Aunty Nat thinks you are the sun and world, You could give her a blank piece of paper for Christmas and she would gush.”

Wanda slapped him playfully on the arm, “You think you are so funny, but seriously we have no money.”

“They did say they didn’t want anything from us,” reminded Peter gently. Wanda snorted in response, “People always say that, they never mean it.”

“Well, we still don’t have any money,” stated Peter again. Wanda looked thoughtfully at the male, “We don’t need money we have abilities.”

Peter stopped walking abruptly, “What do you mean?”

Wanda turned to face him and rolled her eyes at his naivety, “I can just use my powers like I did to get this coffee.” She gestured to the cup in her hand. Peter looked down to the floor uncomfortable, he always felt this way when Wanda was so brazen. He knew a lot of it came from her history, but it was all foreign to him.

“I don’t think uncle Steve, or Aunty Nat would like that,” warned Peter lightly, they started walking again down the street.

“But we would be doing it to do something nice for them,” explained Wanda in annoyance.

Peter cocked an eyebrow at her, “Yeah… what do you think would happen if either of them found out. They know we don’t have any money…”

Wanda blushed under his knowing look, and looked away awkwardly. Peter just continued to explain, “You can’t just suddenly have money to spend, they would figure out how you did it.”

Wanda sighed in frustration, “you are right, I hate it when you are right.”

“Hey… I’m just trying to save your ass,” said Peter.

“We can’t all be perfect like you Parker. Do you ever get bored of being such a goody goody,” moaned Wanda.

Peter joked back at her, “I’m not a goody two shoes. I just work under a single philosophy.”

“Yeah, What’s that?”

“It’s not a crime if you don’t get caught,” laughed Peter nervously. Wanda narrowed her eyes at the teenager, “Like what?”

“It’s hypothetical,” replied Peter as they walked down the steps into the station. Wanda turned and gave him the look that reminded Peter of his Aunty Nat.

“Don’t do that it’s creepy,” groaned Peter.

“Well then talk Parker,” stated Wanda firmly, she dropped her coffee cup onto the floor, and then crossed her arms. Peter bent down and picked up the discarded trash, “I hate it when you do that.”

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