Chapter 10: Honesty

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Peter shot some webbing at Wanda. She ducked and spun avoiding the hit. Wanda turned back and through her arm out she watched him go flying through the air. He manoeuvred mid air so his feet landed on the wall he pushed hard of the wall and went flying towards the witch. Wanda pushed her hands out to the floor, her powers lifted her high up into the air to meet him. She threw her punch with her power, it connected into Peter’s stomach and he went flying to the floor. Wanda turned to attack again but stopped when she realised Steve had caught the other teenager.

Natasha yelled out, “Stop.”

Wanda slowly lowered herself back to the ground. “You ok Parker?”

Peter wheezed, but held his hand up indicating the thumbs up sign. “Nice work Wanda,” called out Steve as he helped the weary Peter to his feet. Wanda smirked at him. Steve shouted out, “Sam your up next, let’s see how you fare.” He activated his wings and flew towards the teenager who steadied herself in anticipation.

Natasha was stood off to the side observing the the action. Tony stood to the side, “you know she is more than ready to be a full time Avenger?”

Natasha grunted at him, “she is still only 16.”

He turned to face her, “you were killing people at 16.”

Natasha grimaced at him, “she isn’t me.”

Steve helped Peter over to the observers, Tony grabbed him in a loose hug. “Good job underoo.”

“What good job getting my ass kicked?” joked Peter. They watched Sam go spiralling into the wall of the facility.

“I think Wanda kicks everyone’s ass,” explained Tony, as they watched the frustrated Sam, turn and go again.

“Rogers, can you help me make Romanoff here understand, that her issues shouldn’t stand in the way of Sabrina the teenage witch,” expressed Tony.

“Rogers can you tell Stark to not get involved with things that don’t concern him,”

Steve held his hands up in mock surrender, “I think you two are more than capable of speaking to each other without using me as a buffer, come on Spidey let’s go grab some lunch.” Steve led Peter away from the two bickering adults.

Tony crossed his arms and leaned back into the wall, “You know what I think?”

‘If I said I didn’t care would that stop you talking?” questioned Natasha.

“Has it ever?” replied Tony with a smirk and an eyebrow raise.

“You are a new mom, and you are terrified of her getting hurt. I get that you skipped the first 15 years which means you are at the wrong stage. You are being the smother,” explained Tony.

“I still don’t see how this is any of your business,” said Natasha bitterly. Tony’s words striking a few chords to close to home.

“it’s my business, because we are the avengers and you are benching our strongest member, in some misguided attempt to be protective. Which is just a lie you are telling yourself.”

Natasha growled at him, “She is not a weapon.”

“I wasn’t saying she was Romanoff. You are so tetchy when it comes to baby witch,” moaned Tony.

“Then what are you saying?” asked Natasha bitterly.

“I am saying you shouldn’t let your fears control her,” explained Tony his tone becoming gentler.

Natasha swallowed and took a deep breath, “I’m compromised Tony, I would abandon you all to save her.”

Tony smirked at her, “Before Wanda it was Barton, you would have left me to die if it meant saving Barton. You can pretend that you were all about the mission, but you have always dropped everything for certain people in your life.”

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