Chapter 29: Cognitive Recalibration

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"Hey Mama," whimpered Wanda, "Sorry we are...."

"Not another word Wanda, I can smell the alcohol from here. Peter is practically doused in it."

Peter interrupted, "Someone spilt a drink down me and.."

Natasha cut in, "So are you trying to tell me you didn't drink any alcohol at all, and some just happened to spill down you which was your only contact with it?"

Peter understood now was the time to shut up, he had never seen Natasha's anger directed at him. Peter's silence answered the question for her.

"As I thought, now both of you get to bed. It's late, I have left bottles of water on your bedside table's make sure you drink one before you go to bed. You are both going to want to feel your best tomorrow, when we deal with this," explained Natasha strictly.

Wanda approached the pair of them, "I am sorry we are late...."

"Wanda, what did I just say? I'm too angry to deal with this right now, get to bed."

Wanda flashed in annoyance, "We are only an hour late, don't get your panties in a twist."

Steve spoke up, "Is that all you have done Wanda?"

Wanda felt her stomach drop, as she wondered about what else they could know, but knew better than at this point to incriminate herself, "I plead the fifth."

Steve narrowed his eyes at the teenager, "bed now."
Wanda approached Steve and cuddled into his arms, "Goodnight daddy." He rested his chin on the top of her head. After enjoying the hug for a second, he pulled her away from him, as he noticed a scent, "Have you been smoking again?"

Wanda stuttered slightly, "I just had the one...."

Steve could barely hide the disappointment from his face, "Go to bed Wanda, we will talk in the morning."

Wanda looked at the man sadly, "I'm sorry...."

Natasha interrupted, "you are only sorry you got caught. Peter up to bed as well please."


The following morning was incredibly tense, as the two adults waited for the teens to come downstairs for breakfast. They had decided that a divide and conquer approach was required, and the weaker link was probably going to be Peter.

Natasha soon got fed up of waiting and grabbed Steve to go knock on Peter's door. They heard the pitiful voice tell them to "come in."

Peter was sat up in his bed hugging his knees resting his head on them off to one side. Natasha went and sat by one side, and Steve the other, "Okay Kiddo, why don't you talk me though last night?"

Peter opened up about the game, the drinking, his little spat with Wanda, but made sure not to mention anything about Vision. The two adults let the teen talk and get it all off his chest.

"You are not Wanda's keeper Peter? She is responsible for her own actions, it's not your job to take care of her that's our job."

"I know," replied Peter, "I've always been the nerd and the geek, but here Wanda is one of the cool ones. It was nice to be one of the cool ones for once."

Steve spoke up, "But you broke the rules we set before the party. What were the rules?"

"Home by 11, check in, and don't drink," stated Peter awkwardly.

"So you did know them?" questioned Natasha with a trademark rise of her eyebrow. Peter fidgeted underneath her gaze.

"I'm sorry Aunty Nat, I'll pack now."

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