Chapter 20: Safe Surrender

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“Fugitives??” questioned Wanda. “we are now fugitives.”

She looked around the table and stopped at a sheepish looking Steve Rogers. “So that’s it we hide for the rest of our lives.”

Natasha shook her head, “No, we just need to bide our time. Clint is accepting the plea deal and it going back to the farm to be with his family. We are going to travel around to avoid detection.”

Wanda looked at her in confusion, “who is we?”

“You will be travelling with Steve and I.”

“What about Sam?” asked Wanda.

“He will meet up with us periodically but it will be easier for us to travel undetected,” explained Steve.

“What am I missing here?” asked Wanda with a slight eyebrow raise. “and what are we biding our time for?”

Steve coughed awkwardly, “Tony is working on the accords.”

“You think we can trust him?” Wanda responded in anger, “he was the reason I ended up in the raft.”
“All you need to know is that we are sorting it. T’challa has said we can stay here a few more days before we move,” explained Natasha sternly.

“Shutting me out again Nat, because that worked out so well last time,” sassed Wanda.

“I’m not having this attitude Wanda, so reign it in, before I do it for you,” stated Steve. Wanda looked at the man in surprise he rarely ever rebuked her.

“Shuri would you mind showing Wanda your lab, we have a few things that we all need to discuss,” stated T’challa.

Wanda shook her head furiously, “No chance, this involves me. I get to be a part of the discussions.”

“No you don’t, you get to do as you are told. Things are different now Wanda. We are going to be in constant danger which means you need to just listen to us. You need to take this seriously,” said Natasha.

“I am taking this seriously, I was the one imprisoned! I’m not some stupid little kid. I can take come of myself and I can contribute,” argued Wanda her agitation clearly showing.

“You can help by going with Shuri now.”

Wanda crossed her arms against her chest and glared at the two adults, “I am staying and you can’t make me leave. I am more powerful than both of you, and you know it.”

Natasha stood up to the petulant teen, “Wanda, you are seriously pushing your luck right now. You need to do as you are told, you will not like what happens if you don’t.”

Wanda slammed both her hands down on the table, “I’m pretty sure I can take you.”

Steve stood up between the two of them, “Everyone needs to calm down.”

He looked over to Wanda, “You darling need to do as you are told now, before you talk yourself into trouble.”

Wanda shook her head, “I let her punish me before, we all know I could have stopped it with my powers if I wanted to.”

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