Chapter 18: Civil Discourse

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The Truck hurtled towards the guard station for the institute for infectious diseases. The armed driver jumped out as it smashed into the station. The trucks enter the compound through the hole left behind. Armed soldiers exit the vehicle firing rifles around the courtyard. Gas canisters are thrown into the building. Steve arrives and quickly takes out a few of the soldiers.

“Body armor, AR-15's. I make 7 hostiles,” Steve shouts over the gunfire. Sam flies in and up to a rooftop, spinning and using his wings to block gunfire. He takes out two soldiers in quick succession.
“I make 5,” replies Sam.

Wanda decided this is the moment to make her entrance, her powers giving her the impression of flying she leaps over the rooftop and into the courtyard. She blocks the bullets with one hand and uses her others to thrust a soldier into the sky.
“Sam,” she yells. Wilson glides down from the roof and catches the soldiers before flinging him off. “Four.”

Sam looks down at his wrist getting the data from redwing, his drone, “Rumlow’s on the third floor.”

Steve turned to the teenager in the courtyard, “Wanda, just like we practiced.”

“What about the gas?” asked Wanda wearily, glancing towards the building.

“Get it out.”

Wanda nods and wave her hands, boosting Steve up to the third floor window. She then sets about removing the gas from the building, she concentrates hard and starts pushing it out into the upper echelons of the atmosphere. Wanda was starting to feel drained, it was a great effort to move such a volume of gas to such a height where it no longer posed a threat. It took a while before she was happy that it was all gone. She turned back to see where the others had gone.

She headed in the direction of Steve, as she saw he was fighting in close combat with who she assumed was the ringleader. Punches were flying between the two men. Steve finally gets the upper hand and Rumlow drops to his knees in defeat.

“I think I look pretty good, all things considered,” he joked sardonically.

“Who's your buyer?” questioned Steve in annoyance.

“You know, he knew you. You pal, your buddy, your Bucky,” Rumlow spat out.

“What did you say?” asked Steve clearly affected by hearing that name.

Rumlow realising he had hit the sore point continued on with glee, “he remembered you. I was there. He got all weepy about it. Till they put his brain back in a blender. He wanted you to know something. He said to me, ‘Please tell Rogers. When you gotta go, you gotta go.’ And you're coming with me.”

Steve looked down flinching in regret and Rumlow activated the bomb vest he was wearing.
Wanda watched in shock screaming out, her mind not realising what she had just yelled, “Dad!”

She threw her arms out to contain the blast but she was already tired from her exertions earlier. Wanda attempted to lift the blast into the air like she had the gas. Steve turned to her in shock, half at what she had yelled and the other half about the sudden turn of events. Wanda tried to maintain control but in the last second her exhaustion hit through her and she lost control of the man and the explosion. He went smashing into a nearby office block. Wanda watches in shock as the building is devastated and fire reigns through the floors. She drops to her knees in horror, at the damage she had unwittingly caused.

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