Chapter 33: Rationalising Denial

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Natasha was running her hand through Wanda’s hair as she napped on her. They had retired to the living room. Natasha was sat reclined in the armchair, Wanda was laying in between her legs with her head resting on her chest. She was curled up comfortably in her grasp. Steve walked into the living room, and smiled at the sight in front of him, though it dropped when he took in the tear stained cheeks of the younger female.

“What happened?” asked Steve in concern.

Natasha shook her head, “We talked.”

Steve’s expression became grim, “Is it as you expected?”

Natasha nodded sadly, “Yes.”

Steve cringed and shook slightly, “What are we doing about it?”

“Nothing,” replied Natasha simply, though she was talking to Steve her eyes never left Wanda’s prone form.

“What do you mean nothing? Surely we need to mobilise the team. Go arrest him,” expressed Steve. The rage he felt demonstrated in the staccato way his words were coming out.

“It’s outside of our jurisdiction Steve, and it needs to be Wanda’s decision,” explained Natasha gently. “Healing is more important than anything else.” She ran her fingers through Wanda’s hair again and smiled as the girl even in her sleep moved towards her loving touch.

“What about justice?” questioned Steve in anger.

“I love your idealism Steve, but there is no justice here. Maybe revenge but no justice.”

Steve visibly deflated as he took in Natasha’s words, “what do we do then? I can’t do nothing.”

“We look after her, we help her and we treat her as well have always done,” stated Natasha. She stoked Wanda’s cheek tenderly.

“How do you know it will work?” asked Steve sceptically, he crossed his arms against his chest.

“Well it worked for me,” was the short response.


The school was alive with rumours. Peter hoisted his backpack further up his back, as he walked away from the whispers. He grabbed his phone out his pocket and sent a quick text to Wanda, checking in. Peter approached his locker and quickly swapped the books out of his bag and replaced it with the bag that was already in there. He covertly looked over his shoulder before stuffing it into his backpack. Peter walked out of the school, and glanced awkwardly around the car park for a familiar car. He already knew that Natasha had left early with Wanda, he was just hoping they hadn’t forgotten about him. Peter awkwardly kicked a stone by his foot out onto the road.

He smiled when he saw Steve pull up on his car. “Was beginning to think you had forgotten about me?”

“Get in,” replied Steve with a smirk. “It’s our job to pick up dinner.”

“Takeaway on a monday? That’s unheard of,” joked Peter. “You feeling ok?”

Steve laughed but then turned more serious, “Your cousin and aunt have had a tough day, so a relaxed evening with a pizza seems the best idea.”

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