Chapter 42: The Yalta Conference

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Wanda crossed her arms and glared at Natasha as the older woman brushed up the last piece of glass. Yelena was on the sofa, sprayed out limbs hanging off the side.

“Have you got something to say?” asked Natasha as she straightened back up again and looked at the teenager who was sat on the kitchen side, her legs swaying and tapping the kitchen cabinet below her.

“You are always lying to me,” snapped Wanda. Natasha threw the broken glass into the bin and turned to face the teenager.

“I didn’t lie to you. I just didn’t tell you about my Russian family. It’s complicated and awkward,” explained Natasha before adding a “and watch your tone Malyshka.”

“Can I jump down now?” asked Wanda petulantly. Natasha surveyed the kitchen floor aware how glass had the propensity to “jump”.

“Yeah all clear.”

Wanda hopped down off the side. “So when are we chasing down the new Redroom?”

Natasha sighed, “we will go back for the conference and you will stay with your father. I will sort this mess with Yelena.”

“Not a chance,” interrupted Wanda. “I want to know about all this. I want to meet your family. I can help.”

“Wanda, it’s too dangerous. This isn’t messing around. These people are trained killers. You aren’t ready. I can’t put you in this much danger,” stated Natasha firmly.

“You promised you would never leave me behind again,” said Wanda quickly.

Natasha winced at the low blow. “Wanda, you don’t follow instructions enough.”

Wanda snorted and gestured angrily towards the sofa, “And she does??”

“She,” came the voice from the sofa. “Knows what she is doing and is not a child.”

Wanda was surprised and had almost forgotten the women was there listening to their entire conversation. “I bet you were doing missions at my age…”

Yelena nodded and cocked her head to the side, but still remained laying prone on the sofa, “we were younger.”

“That’s my point,” said Wanda. Natasha glared at her sibling in annoyance, “Yelena,” she barked.

Yelena stood up from the sofa and approached the younger witch, “She seems like could help.” She moved into the younger woman’s face, inches away from her nose.

“I sense power,” she stated.

“I have power,” stated Wanda firmly.

Natasha rolled her eyes, “Wanda calm down, Yelena stop winding my kid up.”

Yelena stretched her back dramatically arching and reaching her fingertips to the ceiling.

“Isn’t it her bedtime now? The grown ups need to talk,” expressed Yelena.

Wanda’s face soured, while Natasha glanced at her wrist. “It is late Wanda, can you go get ready for bed please.”

Wanda shook her head furiously, “No chance.”

“Wanda, do as you are told,” stated Natasha firmly.

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