Chapter 48: You and Me equals History

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Natasha breathed a sigh of relief as she closed the bedroom door behind her. Was she really going to kiss him? Shame filled her core, she knew she had not actually done anything wrong. Thinking about something wasn’t a crime. It reminded of her something Yelena always used to say, when you go to a restaurant you look at all the menu but you only order one thing. Steve was her boyfriend.

Natasha quickly turned her attention to Wanda who had returned to the bed and was curled up on the edge in the foetal position. “You ok Wanda?”

Wanda just nodded, though the gesture was barely discernible as she was cocooned in the duvet. Natasha just smiled and got into the bed, and wasn’t surprised when the teenager curled into her body. “Missed me?”

Wanda just grunted in response, which caused Natasha to chuckle under her breath.

“Do you ever wonder how different our lives would be if you hadn’t found out my age?”

Natasha snorted, “I was always going to find that out.”

Wanda turned to face Natasha. “What makes you so sure?”

“Because I was looking into your background long before you told Clint,” explained Natasha.

“Creep,” joked Wanda. She turned back around pulling Natasha’s arm with her so she was once again wrapped up in the older woman.

“What else did you find out?” Asked Wanda finally.

“Just a few things I thought you would like to know about your family,” stated Natasha quietly.

Wanda shrugged and relaxed backwards into Natasha’s grip, “You are my family.”
“I meant your birth family,” replied Natasha. “You are of Jewish descent.”

“I don’t really know what that means,” said Wanda, “should I feel a certain way about it?”

Natasha shook her head, “It’s up to you. It’s your heritage should you wish to explore it later. I won’t pressure your either way, but I thought one day you would want to find out.”

Wanda sighed, “Sometimes I struggle to remember my parents. I know my mother always smelt the same, but I couldn’t tell you what it was. I’m not even sure I would recognise it now. I should remember I was ten when they died. It’s not that long ago….”

Natasha ran her fingers through Wanda’s hair, but allowed the teen to keep talking, “Is having you making me forget them?”

“I won’t let you forget them,” replied Natasha firmly. “We can talk about them whenever you want. You know I love to hear stories from when you were younger.”

“I turn 17 soon,” said Wanda changing the subject abruptly. “Do you think we will still be in Germany?”

Natasha decided to just go with the subject change, “We will probably be in Russia for your birthday.”

“Will I be allowed some vodka to celebrate?”

Natasha laughed, “No chance. You can have a glass of cider or wine, but no vodka.”

“I bet Aunt Yelena will let me have some vodka…..”

“Ha… She knows better,” replied Natasha. “Now close your eyes, and go to sleep….”

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