Chapter 6: Sheer Stupidity

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Several weeks had passed at the farm, and as much as Wanda hated to admit it, she enjoyed it there. Her birthday passed with very little fanfare, which is just what Wanda wanted. Her first birthday without Pietro had been painful. Natasha had patiently held her as she sobbed for his loss. Her birthday felt more like a memorial service than an actual celebration. They had now got themselves into a bit of a routine, in the morning she spent most of her time, working through the online classes that she had been set up with. The afternoon she spent training with Clint and Natasha. Wanda thoroughly enjoyed training outside being connected to nature in that way seemed to make her powers flourish. She could almost fly. Well she could hover awkwardly which was almost flying.

Wanda still struggled slightly with sparring, one on one combat was not her forte. She was currently fighting with Clint, as Natasha watched on. It was strictly a no powers exercise. She hopped backwards as Clint aimed a particularly hard leg sweep in her direction. "Focus Wanda."

Wanda growled in frustration and threw a sloppy punch in his direction, he easily caught it and pulled her towards him and grabbing in her a tight sleeper hold. Clint let go and pushed her away. "You are better than that Wanda."

"I don't need to practice this, I have powers! I will never fight like this."

Natasha shook head, "What if you are ever incapacitated in a fight? Or your powers don't work? You need to be prepared for anything when Hydra are involved."

Nat felt her phone going off in her pocket, so beckoned the two to continue, before walking off to take the call. The caller ID indicated it was Steve.

"Hey Rogers, you missing me that much you just wanted to hear my voice?"

"Funny Romanoff, we have a mission. We have located a Hydra base in Sokovia, we need to take it out, and retrieve the intel on the weapons they are building."

Natasha nodded, "Understood. When do we leave?"

"We will pick you up tonight, we are infiltrating at night. I know Hawkeye is technically retired but can you ask him to join. We could use the extra fire power until Wanda is older."

Natasha nodded in agreement, "He never can say no to me."

She disconnected the call before heading back to the two panting and sweaty fighters.

"Lets take a break," she stated. Wanda exhaled in relief. She grabbed a bottle of water off the ground and gulped it down happily.

"So who was on the phone?" asked Clint.

"Rogers, he needs our help. Hydra base infiltration."

Clint nodded. Wanda perked up, "when do we leave?"

Natasha glanced at the girl knowing this was not going to go down well, "Clint and I leave tonight. You will be staying with Laura and the kids."

"What? Why?" questioned Wanda in shock, "I know most of the bases, I have the insight and the powers."

"They also want to recapture you, and you are also too young," replied Natasha.

Wanda look at her in anger, "This is not a negotiation. I am going. I am an avenger."

Natasha just shook her head, "You are not."

Clint stood awkwardly off to the side during the exchange not wanting to get involved in the domestic.

"You are being ridiculous!"

"Maybe I am, but I'm not going to change my mind," replied Natasha calmly. "You need to stop yelling at me though. You are only going to get yourself in trouble if you continue."

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