Chapter 43: What we see depends mainly on what we look for

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“Well I don’t think that went too badly,” stated Steve in between taking deep breaths as he lay prone on the bed.

Natasha just smiled at him, “Is that your way of saying thanks for not telling them to go fuck themselves?”

“Pretty much.”

Natasha turned onto her side so she should look Steve in the face. She leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on to his lips. He smiled into the contact, and pulled the woman closer into his body. Natasha relaxed into his hold, “that didn’t go too badly either.” The innuendo was not lost on the man, who chortled slightly in amusement. “I’m glad I managed to reach your lofty standards.”

“You were adequate,” responded Natasha, but the smirk on her face gave her true feelings away.

Steve smiled back, “I missed you Nat.”

She sighed slightly, “I missed you too, but we have that week in Wakanda before we head off to Berlin.”

Steve grimaced slightly, “I don’t need to remind you how much I dislike your plan.”

Natasha shook her head as she inched away from Steve’s naked body , but pulled the duvet up and wrapped it around her body as she sat up not caring that it left the man exposed.

“I think you made your thoughts quite clear before our angry passionate make up sex,” explained Natasha as she stood up and started trying to collect her clothes that had been flung around the room.

Steve reached over the bed and started to shimmy his boxers up his legs to cover his nudity. He stood up stretching before heading over to the mirror in the bedroom, gazing at his neck in annoyance. “Did you give me a hickey?”

Natasha shrugged her shoulders, “I plead the 5th.”

“Nat… We still need to talk about this Redroom stuff…”

Steve turned to face the woman after asking the question and was surprised to see her fully dressed. “No we don’t. It’s my business and my problem.”

“Nat… We are a couple. We make decisions together,” explained Steve tightly.

“Not this we don’t,” replied Natasha firmly.

“What about Wanda? I should get a say!” said Steve in exasperation.

“She’s my kid.”

“No. She’s our kid! I helped raise her for over 6 months… We played happy families,” said Steve.

“Let’s not start this all over again,” said Natasha in exasperation. She approached him and kissed his cheek chastely. “We don’t have time for another round.”

Natasha turned and left the room quickly, leaving Steve to moan loudly, lean and fall backwards onto the spent mattress.


Peter scratched at the back of his neck, it was an awkward tick he had developed whenever he felt nervous. It was this unconscious action that he seemed unable to stop or prevent. Peter knew he would never be a Poker player, or a spy. He couldn’t lie, and his emotions were always front, centre and worn on his sleeve. Tony had assured him that it was a good thing, and that he should wear his feelings. Peter doubted this was true, as he reached out once again to knock on the door but hesitated before his hand touched the wood again. He took a deep shuddering breath trying to steady himself to actually make the contact. Peter reached his hand back as if it gave him power, before once again halting a centimetre from the Oak. He slapped his own head in annoyance before muttering under his breath, “Stupid… Stupid… Stupid…”

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