Chapter 4: Status Quo

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Natasha knocked on the younger girl’s door waiting for an answer before entering the room. Once she heard the muffled “come in” she slowly reached for the door handle and cautiously opened the door.

“You all packed?”

Wanda nodded back at the woman, looking up from her position of laying on the bed. She had her nose in a book. Tony had acquired a few classics of American literature for her, reading them was helping with her English skills as well as general understanding of American culture. She gently put the book down folding down the corner of the page she was on to hold her place. Most people would be deeply upset by her habit, but she found it made the books hers.

“How are you feeling?” asked Natasha softly.

Wanda looked up at the woman, “I don’t know, overwhelmed I guess.”

Natasha cocked her head slightly at the teenager, “that is to be expected Wanda.”

Wanda continued to look at her, “have you ever felt so completely out of control of a situation? Like you are just drowning in the sea and you are reliant on someone to save you?”

“I understand that more than you know. Clint and Laura saved me from drowning, and I’ll save you.”

Wanda nodded in understanding, “You could just let me drown…”

Natasha shook her head, “that will never happen.”

Wanda stood up, picking her book up with her and placed it carefully into her rucksack. “So what changes are there?”

Natasha smiled weakly, “why don’t we get on the jet? We can discuss it all on there.”


Wanda was sat securely on the jet, having said goodbye to the rest of the team. She had promised Pepper to text her when she landed. Steve had asked for weekly updates at the least. Stark just gave her an awkward fist bump. Wanda didn’t feel particularly close to him, if anything she still felt some resentment to his role in the destruction and dismantling of her life. So she was happy with the limited contact.

Once they had clear blue skies ahead of them Natasha beckoned for their talk.

“This doesn’t need to be awkward Wanda…”

“It is a little bit,” replied Wanda, “Is this the part where you tell me I have to eat all my vegetables?”

Natasha recognised what Wanda was trying to do, make a joke to try and deflect from the tension she was feeling.

“Not quite,” smiled Nat reassuringly. “but not a million miles away.”

“I don’t see why anything has to change?” asked Wanda, “can’t we just continue with you and Steve training me to be an avenger?”

“That will continue,” said Nat hoping that would placate the teenager somewhat, “but you won’t be going on any missions for a while.”

“What?! But my powers? I can help people!”

“You will help people Wanda, when you are an adult. So we will train you for the next 2 years, vocationally and academically.”

Wanda looked at her in bemusement, “Academically??”

“Yes,” replied Natasha.

“You mean like school lessons?” asked Wanda in disdain.

“Eventually yes, we just need to judge your level. Tony has arranged some online courses and we will start with some home schooling and then potentially you could go to a real high school.”

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