Chapter 36: Mutual understanding

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Wanda felt the buzzing by her ear. Surely it could not be morning already, it just couldn’t. She pushed herself up onto her arms and looked dazed at her phone surprised to see Parker flashing on the screen. She picked up the device and pressed it to her ear, “Why are you calling me at 2am from next door?”

As Wanda listened to the panicked teenage boy she found herself waking up instantly. “Where are you Pete?” She swung her legs over the bed and quickly grabbed some pants off her bedroom floor.

“I’m coming to get you, stay where you are. It will be ok I promise,” Wanda quickly jumped out of her own bedroom window using her powers to land on the ground. She quickly took off into the night. Unaware the second she had left the room Natasha was alerted.

Natasha woke up to the alarm going off in her ear. Natasha quickly got up and wrapped a dressing gown around her body, she rushed down the hallway to Wanda’s room. Natasha sent the door flying open and quickly scanned the room, noticing the teenager’s absence immediately and the wide open window.


“Holy shit Pete,” exclaimed Wanda, as she found him leaning against the wall clearly in some pain. She rushed over to him and grabbed him by his good shoulder taking the weight of his body. Wanda pulled the balaclava off his face, and took in his sweaty pale face.

“You have lost a lot of blood Peter,” worried Wanda. She took her cardigan off and wrapped it firmly around his arm in order to halt the bleeding.

“It will be fine, once it stops bleeding,” whimpered Peter, “I have fast healing.”

Wanda snapped at him, “Are you kidding me? You are a state. We need help…”

She manoeuvred Peter in her arms, and reached into his pocket and retrieved his phone. Wanda flicked through his contacts before halting on Natasha’s name. She dialled the number.


Peter lay asleep on the sofa. Natasha finished bandaging up his wound. Wanda stood off to the side her clothes still covered in his blood.

Natasha’s face was pulled tightly into a grimace as she turned to look back at her child. “What in the world where you thinking?”

“Peter was in trouble, what else what I was supposed to do?” argued Wanda in annoyance.

“You should have come to me straight away, not left in the middle of the night.”

“I called you didn’t I,” stated Wanda.

“Not the point Wanda, you just left do you have any idea how worried I was before you called.”

Wanda glared at the older woman, “How did you know?”

“How did we know what?” mirrored back Natasha.

“How did you know I had left? But you clearly didn’t know Peter had left…” questioned Wanda her tone deadly.

“Why does that matter?” replied Natasha firmly.
“It matters,” replied Wanda in anger.

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