Maama's Here Now.

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In a sterile room, bathed in the soft glow of fluorescent lights, She lied motionless in a very soft and luscious bed. Tubes and wires connect her to various machines, their rhythmic beeps filling the room.

Imagine your conscious mind as the captain of a ship, making decisions and navigating through life BUT passed through the eyes of the livings, beneath the surface, there lies the vast ocean of unspoken truths, deepest desires,fear,motivations and vast array of possibilities and impossibilities .

And in the realm of Layla's mind,within the intricate network of the brain's neurons and
synapses,darkness enveloped the senses of the unconscious soul. It was as if a thick veil had descended, shrouding the mind in obscurity.

Sight was stripped away, leaving only an abyss of nothingness. There were no colors or shapes to perceive, no glimmers of light to guide the way. It was a void, a vast expanse of emptiness where the mind wandered aimlessly.

Yet, amidst this darkness, the imagination sparked, weaving intricate tales and conjuring vivid images. In this ethereal realm, Layla found solace, exploring the depths of her own consciousness, lost in a world unseen by others. And gradually light slipped into the depths of the darkness accompanied by the faint voices and echoes of the memories that started to fade with time.

She wandered and wandered till she was about to be lost but that flimsy memories,that flimsy feelings ,flimsy dreams, prayers that she held onto couldn't let her. Her mind became alive,her bones started to crack,every vein flowed with a rush of energy other than just the thickness of her deep crimson red blood,every fiber of her body shook with the sensation of life. AS IF the essence of life was once again breathed into her.

Azeem who was seated by her side on a chair reciting the Quran since after having his breakfast,slowly his eyes detected themselves away to look at her for a brief time but the heavy intake of a breath drew his attention back. His eyes widen like a large sauce pan before he gently kept the Qur'an to the bedside table.

"L-Layla." He gently mumbled as he took her hand into his and at that moment his hope reached to the highest peak when he felt her fingers moving.

As the Layla's eyelids flutter open, her husband's heart skips a beat. A mix of emotions floods his face - relief, joy, and a hint of trepidation. He reached out, his hand trembling, and gently removed all the tubes connected to her.
"You're awake," he whispers, his voice choked with emotion. "Alhamdulilah. Alhamdulilah I've missed you so much."

Layla blinked, her eyes adjusting to the harsh lighting. Confusion clouded her features as she takes in her surroundings. "Where... where am I?" she managed to croak, her voice weak from years of disuse.

Tears welled up in her Azeem's eyes as he tried to find the right words. "You're in our house, my love," he said , his voice filled with a mix of sadness and relief. "You've been in a coma for five years."
The weight of the revelation settled on her, and she struggled to comprehend the passage of time. Memories, once vivid and tangible, now feel distant and hazy. "Five years?" she whispered , her voice filled with disbelief.

"What happened? Who are you?" She then asked with evident confusion.

Azeem sat there, his eyes wide and mouth slightly agape. A perplexed expression washed over his face as he struggled to comprehend what he had just heard or witnessed. Thoughts raced through his mind, desperately trying to make sense of the situation.
His brows furrowed, deep in contemplation, as he searched for words that seemed to have escaped him. The world around him seemed to fade into the background as he grappled with the overwhelming flood of emotions and thoughts.

'S-she forgot about me?"
Time seemed to stand still as he sat there, lost in his own thoughts. The room grew silent, saved for the sound of his racing heartbeat. It was as if the world had paused, waiting for him to find his voice and make sense of the inexplicable.

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