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, Huyi had no choice but to quickly finish the remaining meat, and then cleaned the dishes, and immediately got back on the bed, hugging his little baby.

"Your hand is cold, take it away"

Xiao Yun put his hand away from her body, and then turned into his arms. How did he know that his baby would say these hurtful words as soon as he came back, although he knew that baby was afraid of the cold, but he just turned around and wanted to reject him, he was still a little sad in his heart. But his little man, holding him tightly, he still felt very happy, and then he kept rubbing his hands, hoping that his hands would return to warmth quickly , so that he could hold his lovely baby tightly again.

Orcs are very optimistic and easily satisfied. Although Hu Yi was traumatized a moment ago, but the next moment he was thinking sweetly about his baby, it was their happiness as simple as that. Xiaoyun felt Huyi's ups and downs, and s he secretly smiled when she was buried in Huyi's chest. She kissed him on the chest without thinking, and whispered "It's good to have you" , and then when Huyi reacted and asked, she refused. She knew that orcs had good hearing, but she would ignore her husband's questioning one by one, and continued to bury herself in the warm and happy place, living the cold winter well. Writer's words:

39. Get sick when it's cold

Half of the cold winter days have passed, and Xiaoyun has grown a lot of flesh, but she doesn't care as much as before. Maybe it's because of the cold winter, and it's not like her original world, with heating and thick wool coat. Although there were a lot of animal skins here, they couldn't keep them warm enough, and the place where she could feel the warmth was in her partner's arms.

It's just that when she woke up today, she felt weak all over her body, and her body was very hot. She felt that her body was very heavy. She wanted to call her partner, but she couldn't feel the warmth next to her. She touched the position beside her, but there was no familiar warmth and people on the bed. Where did he go?


Weak voices came out together, but she didn't get any response. She opened her eyes and wanted to get out of bed to find the other party. When she wanted to get off the ground, her body had no strength, and she fell back on the bed.

It was only at this time that she realized that she was sick, and she was still very sick. At this time, she began to worry. There was no medicine in her world here. She knew that the number of times the orcs got sick was very small, and she became afraid. At this moment, the sound of footsteps came continuously, it was the him she knew well.


Hearing the petite voice, Hu Yi, who had just entered the room, strode towards the room even more.

"Baby, don't move around, just lie down"

She was about to get up, so she had to lie down again. After Huyi saw her lying back, he told her to wait for him obediently, and then he went into the kitchen and boiled the grass leaves he had just brought back from the patriarch. These grass leaves are also called medicinal herbs by them. Although the orcs are not easy to get sick, they still have to take medicine when they get sick. Basically, no orc likes the smell of medicinal herbs. It's sweet and bitter, and it's very uncomfortable. It already smells bitter.

However, Hu Yi's baby is sick, so the job of cooking the herbs naturally falls on him. When I saw these smells, I recalled the traditional Chinese medicine in the original world. I asked her if she was interested in Chinese medicine. She only took it once when she was growing up, and she hasn't taken it again since then. Although in her world, everyone says that traditional Chinese medicine is the best medicine for conditioning, but she prefers western medicine in comparison, and when she asks for western medicine, she can tell the doctor that she wants something sweet.

She suddenly missed the past, in the world of material abundance, even if she was at home all day long, she could use the multifunctional electronic products, but here, the best leisure activity in the cold winter is to chat with her partner for a day, or sleep for a day .

The herb was already cooked, and the bitter smell was getting closer and closer. Huyi held a bowl full of herbs and approached her. She smelled the bitter smell and wanted to turn around and run away, but now she was so weak , I had no choice but to lie obediently and wait to accept the pain.

"Baby, come and eat some herbs"

As soon as this sentence fell, a big bowl of herbs was put in front of her, and she looked at the person who loved her deeply with a pitiful look, but he just put the bowl to her mouth, and she had no choice but to drink it resignedly. go down.

She has to bear the taste of sweetness and bitterness. After she drank this unpalatable bitter medicine, she bad-heartedly asked Huyi to get closer, and then kissed him mouth to mouth, letting him suffer all her suffering. Come bear a little bit. But Huyi felt that his baby was suffering, and wanted him to comfort him, so he didn't care about the sweet and bitter taste in the baby's mouth, he directly sucked his baby and kissed her. While kissing, she already felt a little better, because now someone is with her to suffer through these hardships, and she feels happy in her heart. Writer's Note: It's my birthday today~ I'm so happy! I'll update my birthday article later (dear)~

40. Baby, I'm giving you warmth

Xiaoyun has recovered from Huyi's careful care. Although she was constantly tortured by the medicinal herbs during her illness, and there was an unpleasant taste of sweetness and bitterness in her mouth for several days, but every time she finished drinking the medicinal herbs, she would kiss the tiger's wings wickedly. Hu Yi is naturally willing to accept, when will his baby take the initiative, and he also knows how bad herbs are, so he will accept kisses to comfort his little baby. It's just that he didn't know that this was her wicked way, and he just wanted him to suffer together.

Of course she wouldn't tell him, otherwise she might fall on the left bed and not be able to move around for a few days, but she is also used to lying on the bed in this cold winter, especially in Huyi's embrace, which is her favorite place to stay. This cold winter has passed for a while, and the weather has gradually warmed up recently, and it is no longer as cold as in early winter, and Xiaoyun is willing to get up to cook meat.

Although Hu Yi would love her dearly, so every time Xiao Yun went to the kitchen to cook, he would go to hug her and give her all the warmth. In fact, he felt distressed and distressed. He missed the delicious meat cooked by Xiaoyun, but he hadn't eaten it for a while.

"Baby, is it cold?"

Xiaoyun nodded, it was false that it wasn't cold, but it wasn't as cold as before, and this temperature was still within the acceptable range.

"Then I'll keep you warm"

She let out a "hmm", and he didn'T know when he misinterpreted her meaningally or unanceOnTionally. oking her body. While she was cooking, she naturally felt the Abnormal Movement of Her body, and began to twist her body to resist, but she twisted left and right, which made the orc behind her move even more.

"Husband, stop making trouble, I'm cooking!"

It's not the first time she's been touched by him, so she naturally knows what he wants to do next, but she's cooking now, so it's really a dilemma for her to take care of the food while getting rid of the orc in heat behind her .

"Baby, I'm keeping you warm, you continue to cook yours"

When she heard this sentence, her eyes almost fell off, so how can she cook well? She hasn't been in love with him for so long, and she will be a little lusty, and with him touching her body like this, she will naturally heat up, and even the erotic fluid has begun to flow from between her legs.

He naturally knew that the little man had begun to fall in love, he could smell the baby's passionate smell, and the smell was his favorite smell. Smelling this smell, he stretched out his hand to the area between her legs, feeling the twitch and movement under her body

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