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It's going to be a while longer.

"Honey, I'm hungry, let's go home"

Hearing that the baby was hungry, he naturally didn't want to stay any longer, and immediately flew at full speed in the direction of home. When she came here, Xiaoyun didn't find the figure she was looking for, nor did she feel his presence, so she took the feeling of being peeped at before as a psychological mischief. Of course, she didn't tell her dear, because she was afraid that if he found out, he would completely destroy this place, so she had to keep all these in her heart.

It feels so good to be home, and being at home is the most comfortable, of course it refers to the feeling of lying in bed. Xiaoyun was comfortably waiting for dinner on the bed. In this quiet time, she finally had time to think about what happened suddenly today. The only thing she still wondered was why her menstruation would come every month, but the patriarch found out that she was pregnant again. Or is it because this is not her original world, so her body structure is different. ent from that of the orcs, which led to this?

But she is still looking forward to having a child related to her blood, because she has no relatives of the same blood here. Although she now has an orc husband who loves her very much, sometimes she really misses her biological parents.

"I don't know if they are doing well? Will they be sad because I am missing?"

Xiaoyun rubbed her unchanged belly while thinking about what kind of family she would have in the future. She hoped that there would be one, two, three... more children to accompany her in the future. She longs to see her own blood all around her, so that she can live happily every day.

She once thought that she would die alone, but in an accident, she came to this strange world with a different beastman. But it is precisely because of coming here that she can meet him—her only one who loves her—Huyi . raped her for the first time, he continued to pamper her and love her every day after that, so that she could live happily and contentedly in this new environment.

Although it has only been a short time for her here, and there are many things she does not understand, but she believes that there will be more time and days to understand all of this in the future. The most important thing is to be able to walk through every minute and every second of the future with him and the unborn child.

51. Pregnant women are the biggest (Part 1)

With the passage of time, the orc baby in Xiaoyun's womb has grown slowly in the mother's body day by day. She looks at the little changes in her balloon-like belly every day, and feels every moment of change in her belly. Sometimes she can feel the child in her belly rolling, and sometimes she can feel the child in her belly constantly kicking foot.

She looks forward to the arrival of the child every day. Although she is excited and nervous, she still longs for the birth of the child very much.

It's just that during her pregnancy, it was Huyi who suffered the most. Although he felt happy because of Xiaoyun's pregnancy, during Xiaoyun's pregnancy, he couldn't make out with his beloved Xiaoyun. Of course, because Xiaoyun had very severe pregnancy reactions during pregnancy, she would often feel nauseous, and she would often wake up in the middle of the night because of leg cramps, and Hu Yi could only wake up to help Xiaoyun massage her feet every time. , so that she can ease the pain and feel better.

"Honey, don't go out hunting today, stay at home with me, okay?"

Xiaoyun sometimes acted like a baby, hoping that Huyi would be by her side every second, and if Huyi didn't agree, she would be angry with him and ignore him for a day. Sometimes in order to coax her dear, Huyi always looks for some special things to give her, hoping that she will not be angry with him again.

"Okay, I listen to you"

Hu Yi kissed the baby's face, and then gently hugged her from behind, because he was afraid that he would hurt her and the baby in his stomach if he was too strong, so he was always careful. Since Xiaoyun's belly is the size of someone else's Wuyue, Huyi dare not hug her face to face, for fear of accidentally pressing her belly, so now he only hugs her from behind.

"Husband, do you think the child will be like me or like you?"

Since Xiaoyun was pregnant, she liked to ask this question every day. No matter how Huyi answered, it was not to Xiaoyun's liking.

"It's good for children to be like you"

He also answers this question every day, and he is used to how many reasons to think it is not good, but he still thinks that it is best for a child to be like the person he loves deeply. He is not afraid that children will be bullied because they are weak, because he believes that their children are very strong.

"If you're like me, won't you be bullied by other orcs?"

"Baby, our children are going to be strong"

No matter how many times she said it, there was no answer that satisfied her. In fact, she also felt very conflicted, but she loved this question very much after she found out that she was pregnant. Although sometimes she is unhappy because Huyi's answer is not good, but she just likes to imagine what it would be like to follow her children, but no matter whether it is male or female, no matter how different it is from the orcs here. Well, she will love her children very much too.

There is no parent who doesn't love her children, and she doesn't mind how her children look like, as long as they are happy is the most important thing. But it seems that it is better to have a girl, and a girl is more well-behaved, but she is afraid that her child will be troubled in a place that lacks females. After all, some males really pursue the object of their hearts every day. Although females are used to it since childhood, she still can't stand it. Writer's words:

52. The largest pregnant woman (medium)

During pregnancy, the mood of a pregnant woman is always unpredictable, sometimes happy and sometimes sad, you can't guess when she will laugh and cry. Just like a child, his mood changes quickly, and since Xiaoyun's belly is getting bigger and bigger, these situations are happening every day.

Even if Huyi took her out to chat with other females, she would sometimes be upset. She felt that Huyi didn't want to accompany her, so she always put her in other females' homes. Sometimes she just stays at home all the time, she feels so bored, and gets angry with Tiger Wing, saying that he doesn't take her out for a walk, and chats with other females about life topics.

The most painful one was of course Hu Yi, he really couldn't laugh or cry, the child hadn't been born yet, and he already had to take care of the older child. Although he is happy to take care of his dear partner, sometimes he really doesn't know how to coax his dear baby.

In addition, every time Xiaoyun eats meat recently, he turns his head and vomits after eating, throwing back all the food he ate. He asked the patriarch what to do, because every time he spit it out, it meant he hadn't eaten The patriarch said that he would pick some grass leaves and cook them for the baby, but the baby thought it was not delicious and refused to eat the grass leaves.

It really gave him a headache, and he had to give it to Xiaoyun, but Xiaoyun didn't want to eat it. So every time I eat, I have to coax and coax her to eat a few more bites.

"Honey, would you like some more?"

Every time Huyi coaxed Xiaoyun to eat some grass leaves, Xiaoyun would show him his face again. She had already indicated that she didn't want to eat them, so in the end Huyi wanted Xiaoyun to eat these grass leaves. and right in the kitchen with the condiments made by Xiaoyun, and he didn't relax until he tasted what Xiaoyun wanted to eat.

"I've eaten a lot and I don't want to eat anymore"

But Huyi still coaxed Xiaoyun to eat every time, and every time she ate a little bit, she stopped eating. Huyi was always worried that she would not eat enough. Although now she has no more food to eat

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