Team Rain

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"You heard me, I said I'm gonna confront her." Jean frowned as she slowly ran the flat iron through her clients hair. "That just doesn't seem like a good idea right now. And for what? Like Adonis is gone..what is there left for you to fight with her about? I mean I completely understand that you feel some type of way that you are left with his child that everyone is questioning, but confronting her won't solve anything." She said shaking her head as she part another small section of the ladies hair. "What you need to be doing is trying to get his mother to agree to DNA testing to prove that they are related. I honestly think you should forget about her and move foward with your life. You have more responsibilities to worry about right now then who your decreased baby daddy was in love with." Jean didn't really have anything against Rain, she just felt she wasn't right for her brother cause she was dragging him through her drama filled life. "Are you serious? This bitch is the whole reason I'm going through half the shit I am now and yall expect me to just bow down to her like everyone else does. Now you team Rain too huh? You sounding just like Lisa...just move on with your life and Yada yada....y'all got me fucked up! That bitch is gonna get hers and I'm gonna be the one to give it to her. You can bet on that!" Brianna hollered and then ended the call throwing her phone on the passenger seat of her car. "Yeah, ok...just gonna get your bitch!" She chuckled as she watched Rai wave bye to Lisa and put the baby in the back seat of the car.


"Here baby, you want another one?" Rain put three yogurt drops on the tray of the high chair and chuckled when AB grabbed all of them and tried to stuff them in his mouth at the same time. "No no, just one." She took two from him and put them on the farthest part of the tray so he couldn't reach them and went to check the fish she was frying. She had a long day at work, but Bryson asked her to make catfish, cabbage, baked macaroni and cheese, yams and cornbread. "Love me naked" by Ella was playing loudly as she alternated between keeping the baby entertained, cooking and sipping on her glass of champagne. Drinking from her glass she danced in front of AB and sang while playfully pinching his cheeks and tickling his neck. Once he was in full giggles she put the glass down and took the lid off the cabbage to see if it was tender enough. She stirred it and replaced the lid. Then she grabbed the oven mitts and opened the oven to take the aluminum foil off the macaroni and cheese to let it brown a bit. Using the mitts she took the yams out, stirred them to make sure they were the right consistency and then taste the juice. " just need a little more brown sugar and a couple shakes of nutmeg." She taste it again and once she was satisfied she put the pan back in the oven. "Perfect! " She smiled and ran over to the baby kissing him and pushed another yogurt bite close to him so he could feed himself. "Someone who never asks love, but know how to take it....are you that somebody who sees a wall and breaks it" She sang tickling the baby's chin, before grabbing her wine glass and taking a few more sips. "Damn it smells good in here." Bryson said coming behind Rain and pulling her into him. He kissed her neck, till she giggled. "Hey" she greeted him quietly  placing her free hand on his arm and rubbing it. "How was your day baby?" He asked stepping away from her and walking over to the baby. "Longgg!" She said shaking her head. AB was trying to reach the last yogurt drop, but when he noticed Bryson he smiled and started kicking his feet and reaching for him. "What's up lil man?"  Bryson asked pressing the buttons on the sides of the tray to to take it off. He put the tray on the kitchen table and unbundled him to pick him up. AB laughed and giggled as Bryson threw him up in the air before pulling him close to him and allowed him to wrap his little arms around his neck and hug him. "Everything is about done." Rai said taking the few pieces of fish out the fry daddy and putting them on in the paper towels lined strainer. "She put grabbed a fork out the dish rack and the oven mitts to take the cornbread out the oven. She inserted the fork in the middle to make sure it was done all the way through. She turned the oven off and leaned against the counter watching Bryson play with baby as he smile and babbled baby talk to him. "What's up?" Bryson asked Rai when he noticed her staring at him. She shook her head and went to the fridge to grab her bottle of wine and refilled her glass. "I was just wondering if you plan on going out again tonight?" Bryson eyebrows creased "Nah, why you ask me that?" Teegan took a sip of  cold wine and shrugged her shoulders. "You just been going out a lot lately and you stay out so late, I don't get to see you till the morning." She paused to take another sip of the sweet wine. "Then I be getting ready for work, so that doesn't leave me much time with you." She leaned against the kitchen island and looked down at her drink and ran her hand up and down her wind glass avoiding his eyes. "What are you tall about? We be here all evening together when you get off work." He asked turning to face her. "Well...I know that, it's just..." She took another sip of wine and sighed before finishing her statement. "After work, we're busy making dinner, cleaning, taking care of the baby, then by the time I put him down for bed you be ready to leave out and I don't get to chill with you, cause by the time you come home I be sleep. I know you busy, but I guess I'm saying I miss spending alone time with you." He noticed how she kept putting her head down, and when she was looking at him she had a deep frown on her usually pleasant features. "I don't go out every night sweetie." He told her calmly. "You be so busy bathing the baby and getting things ready for work in the morning. By the time everything is settled and the baby is down, you take a shower and go right to sleep. Now I don't blame you, cause I know you be tired, but sometimes I go out so I won't disturb you while you sleeping." Rain swallowed the last of the wine in her glass and nodded her head. She turned from him and went to put wash the glass out and few other dishes that were in the sink from cooking dinner. "If you want, I can go ahead and make your plate, dinner done. I just gotta take the macaroni and cheese and yams out the oven." Bryson pulled over to the kitchen table with one hand while he bounced AB with his other, because he was starting to get fussy. "What? You want me to help you clean up and get the baby to bed more at night or something?" He asked strapping the baby back into the chair. She just took a deep breath, dried her hands and wen to take the food out the oven. "Yo, I'm asking you a question." She pulled two plates out the cabinet and rinse them off. "I really don't know's just lately we haven't been spending much time together even when I have a day off." She shrugged her shoulders and started making their plates. "Aww baby, you got a little attitude cause you miss me?" Bryson went to the sink washed his hands and pulled one of the gerber baby meals out the cabinet and warmed it up. "Honestly, I really didn't pay attention to it, but if you feel that way I apologize. I'll make more of an effort to make sure we have alone time." He grabbed her from behind after she put the plates on the table and kissed her neck. "I'm sorry love." She turned her head and kissed him on the lips. "It's ok. I just didn't want us to start losing our connection." He turned her to face him and wrapped his arms around her waist, her arms instinctively circled his neck and she raised her head to look into his eyes. "I'm never gonna let that happen sweetheart." He bent down and pulled her bottom lip into his mouth and sucked it before slipping his tongue in her mouth. AB started banging on the tray on highchair and whining. "Aww my little baby hungry?" Rain chuckled as she went to get his food and sat down next to him. Throughout dinner they talked about their day and took turns feeding the baby.
Rain got up cleared and wiped the table down. She poured bleach and dish liquid in the wash pan and turned the water on. Bryson handed her the baby "You go ahead and get him bathed and ready for bed while I clean up in here." He said taking her place at the sink. "Thanks babe." Bryson put the leftover food in tupperware, washed the dishes, cleaned off the stove and counter tops, swept and mopped the floors. He checked the front, back and patio doors to make sure they were all locked. Then he picked up in the livingroom before shutting all the lights off and heading upstairs. Rai was feeding AB a bottle in the rocking chair, he could tell the baby wasn't sleep,because he was sucking on the bottle. "Imma hop in the shower real quick while you put him to sleep." She simply nodded her understanding and continued rocking her son.

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