Out and proud

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You smile as Rhea does the lesbian flag colors for makeup on your face twitching in your shoes as she finishes the last touches adding hearts on your cheeks grabbing your flag and bag heading to the car. You and rhea were going to pride together along with your shared friends Dom, Finn, Liv, Becky, Edge, and Damian having come out to each of them 5 months back when you were having a cookout at damian's place after being in the closet for three years and falling for rhea deciding to finally tell the group of people that is family gathering them all inside as you eat taking a deep breath as they all calmly and patiently stare at you. "I'm gay...I'm gay and I have feelings for you rhea and I understand if any of you don't accept" quickly being stopped by them all as you cry openly "Hon it's okay we accept you no matter what" you giggle at a sniffling liv being hugged by finn and becky then pulled into a gentle but tight hug by dom as damian places a kiss on your head and lightly squeezing your shoulder and a hug from sasha nervous that rhea hadn't moved until she whispered in your ear to go in the next room while everyone smiled at you before closing the door "How long have you felt this way towards me?" you fiddle with your hands anxiously as you sigh "A year...I didn't want to lose you or anyone else outside because of it...so I didn't tell anyone until now" her face softens gently moving your face to look at her as tears flow down your face "You will never lose any of us especially me because I have loved you for the past four years". You smile at the memories of you and Rhea getting together taking things slow kissing her palm when she holds your hand making her smile sweetly as you listened to music before parking laughing and waving at a very happy liv arm in arm with a just as excited dom while the others joked around walking to them being pulled into a hug and lifted by dom making you laugh as you hug everyone else "Let's get the gay on!" you all yell waving the flags each of you had you and rhea with lesbian flags, liv, becky, and dom with bisexual flags, while finn, sasha, and damian had straight ally flags taking pictures together and with other pride goers as all get on a float with a longtime friend of yours driving the float while you all cheered with signs and your flags. You all celebrate and hang out at your and rhea's shared place barbequing and just hanging out until everyone passed out liv and becky sharing one guest room, dom sleeping in the other, and sasha sleeping in the last one with damian in the bed next to her while finn slept on the couch smiling as you and rhea kiss and lay down watching tv until you both fell asleep truly happy that you had the love of your life and your family together.

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