Don't doubt yourself

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You smile at your 9 year old daughter Melanie as you and her get in the car, a bit stressed that she couldn't stay with her babysitter or your mom as you make your way to the stadium for SummerSlam and your match against Raquel Rodriguez. You got a call the day before from your babysitter, telling you that she was sick and couldn't watch your daughter while you were at Summerslam which stressed you out since your mom and sister were out of town and you didn't have anyone else to keep here, hesitantly deciding to bring her with you which she was nervous and excited about since she had started watching your matches and other matches in WWE always smiling when she sees you come home, asking who you saw and if you could tell them she said hi which made you laugh and smile at her curiosity and excitement, you laugh watching her wiggle in the backseat. You hold each other's hands, walking backstage with her behind you as you say hi to the other female wrestlers not noticing your daughter until you hear "Who's this?" you turn to see Rhea Ripley leaning down, looking at melanie who waved while smiling and eyes wide in awe, until rhea holds her arms out and hugs her, carrying her around to introduce her to everyone while you get ready, you laugh when you see her run and hug Liv who smiles and gasps "Is that my favorite person ever?!" you thank rhea who just hugs you while you take a picture of liv and melanie, you hear an official tell you that you're up for your match, feeling nervous but relieved when liv and rhea tell you not to worry that they would have her with them watching you. You feel the adrenaline wear off as you get out of raquel's grip, being clothes lined by her, feeling the breath leave your lungs and body as she walks around you, you turn your head as you catch your breath to see liv and rhea ringside but you immediately hear the voice inside you to get back up when you see liv holding melanie as she yells "I love you mama! Never give up" you smile and jump back up, grabbing raquel from behind and wrapping your legs around her waist, throwing her down and climbing on top of her to a submission move, bursting into tears after being announced and holding the title, you feel hands on your face looking up to see melanie, grabbing her and lifting her up on your shoulders after handing her the title as the crowd cheers. You both walk backstage while you still cry, smiling when you watch melanie run off and into Damian Priest's arms who laughs and tickles her as rhea helps while liv pulls you in her arms. "I am so damn proud of you" you hug her back feeling all the self doubt suddenly build up not about being a wrestler but a mom "Am I enough? Am I raising her good? Will she-" she stops you immediately by holding your face having you look at her in the eyes "You are a damn wonderful mom, you may not be rich or married but you pour all your soul and love into everything you do for her never doubt yourself" you cry again as she holds you feel arms wrap around you, giggling when you feel a big hand on your head, looking at damian who hugs you as does rhea after "Don't cry mama" you laugh as you hug melanie "I'm proud of you" you smile at the words tickling and kissing all over her face as she laughs while your three friends smile and feel their heart warm at the sight.

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