Not Taking Advantage of the Situation

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(Y/N)'s POV

Despite the pain he was in, despite feeling like Piper's dagger had molded to his skin and then been forcibly removed, and that every bone in is body felt like it had just been realigned fifty times over, there was one thing he could smile about.

The spear, still in Circe's side, had conducted the bolt of lightning to her, in fact the last thing that (Y/N) remembered seeing before he fell into the deepest of sleeps was the woman being struck by the power and falling from the sky.

Maybe that was what did it. The connected pain of both remaining sides of him, had shocked his system enough that he began to remember things from long ago, and understood why his enemy was moving against him.

As much as Circe had taken from him, she was right, she was closer to being the old (Y/N) than he was, at least power wise, but maybe that meant they were connected. If she had an understanding of him, he had one of her, that was why he saw what she was thinking at the moment it struck.

The moment the lightning hit him, (Y/N) felt like something had changed, or at least, this time, he noticed something had changed. He felt closer to what he should have been then ever, but that wasn't all.

It was as if the actual damage it did wasn't even a part of the equation, like he never felt it until afterwards, it might have been protection from Iris or something like that, but it also made his memory come back to him.

Not just memory from before he died either, much earlier than that, a memory that he had lost a long time ago, as he was hunting monsters, and with that memory, he understood so much more about everything that led up to this.

He remembered on Olympus, when he was young, he remembered who had enough of his struggles and had intervened with his fight with Zeus suddenly, and that it led to so many events unfolding as they had.

As he and Piper's father were both carried towards the helicopter, (Y/N) stared at Jason, making sure that his memories weren't betraying him, taking in the boy's features. The blonde hair, the blue eyes, he remembered them clearly.

The day his world was torn apart for the first time was hard for (Y/N) to remember, it was even harder for him to tell the story, even to people he trusted with his life, and only now did he know why.

Not only was he getting closer to finding himself, and truly becoming what he was meant to be, or rather, what Hera had wanted when he returned, but he remembered moments from his life more clear than he had even as he was living them.

It was like he had finally taken the blinders off. Something in the past that was preventing him from seeing one side of his life had left him, and everything was coming together into one experience.

He didn't know what had caused it, and he was far away from getting any actual concrete answers, but as it was, he understood his enemy much clearer now, and with that knowledge, he knew just how much danger they were walking into.

Piper's POV

Borrowing the helicopter was easy. Getting her dad on board was not. Piper needed only a few words through Leo's improvised bullhorn to convince the pilot to land on the mountain.

The Park Service copter was big enough for medical evacuations or search and rescue, and when Piper told the very nice ranger pilot lady that it would be a great idea to fly them to the Oakland Airport, she readily agreed.

"No," her dad muttered, as they picked him up off the ground. "Piper, what—there were monsters—there were monsters—" She needed both Leo's and Jason's help to hold him, while Coach Hedge gathered their supplies.

Heroes of Olympus Series. Annabeth Chase X Male Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now