Finding The Worlds Best Cosplayer

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(Y/N)'s POV

"Okay, let's just get this over with." (Y/N) said, walking forward towards the structure in the distance, feeling with every step that he was sinking deeper into Hades trap. Something about this all felt off to him.

The underworld, or at least what little of it he could see, looked like it was in disarray. Even the open plains around him seemed oddly misshapen. (Y/N) knew the underworld well, but didn't recognise where he was, which was strange with the huge landmark in front of him.

The looming dark structure of the palace seemed like it was off somehow, the chills it usually gave him to behold it were gone. He dismissed it, counting it as a quirk of being in both worlds at one time. He wasn't seeing the full picture.

That by no means meant he was any less cautious. He walked slowly, cautiously, expecting an ambush after every step, he didn't have his weapons, at least not the ones he wanted most, Gleam and Glimmer were nowhere to be seen.

For a moment he was worried that he had lost them in the sea, or that they were destroyed by the explosion, but then thinking on the craftsman who created them, he dismissed the thought, those weapons were going to outlast him by tenfold he was sure, perhaps family heirlooms if he were ever that lucky.

He did a quick check of what he had on him. Wishing he was able to come more prepared. He almost hoped that he had confronted the god earlier, at least then it would have been on his own terms.

He could imagine it now, rolling up to Hades palace with a grenade launcher in one hand and a gun in the other, telling Hades that he shouldn't have wasted his time and being thrust back into the land of the living out of fear.

(Y/N) didn't have his sword or dagger, though on his fingers there were still the gold bands, why he was able to take them with him and not the weapons he used most was lost to him, but he felt comfort in being armed.

As he walked to the castle, he took note of something that was odd, notably, there were no guards, no skeletal warriors with weapons that usually patrolled the castle walls, (Y/N) figured Hades had learned his lesson from last time.

By getting rid of them, (Y/N) couldn't use them against Hades if this came to a fight, which (Y/N) was almost sure it would. Not that the odds would have been in (Y/N)'s favour anyway, he didn't have his King-slayers anymore, and there was no master bolt to threaten the god with this time.

If (Y/N) got himself caught too soon, this would be over, no retries. To that end, he stayed on guard as the front door swung open at his arrival, even as he walked past the petrified statues in the garden he made sure to check for any danger.

Holding onto his rings in case he had to use them at a moment's notice. He was presented with the same room he found himself in years ago. With the same horrible depictions of death on the walls, and the same throne before him, but it sparked a little pride in him that there were no Kindly ones atop the throne.

"They still reforming?" He asked the pale skinned man who sat on the throne. The god looked exactly like he remembered, as if you had taken a few serial killers, put them in a blender, and made he result more handsome.

His fingers were still long and spindly, crossed over each other as he sat forward. Hades sneered at him, but didn't answer. "What do you want?" (Y/N) asked, "If it's revenge, Save it, I have bigger problems than you to deal with right now. If it's Nico, I'll listen. But I don't intend to make any deals with scum like you."

"Scum?" The god said, "You come into my home, and call me scum?" "Yeah." (Y/N) said plainly, not really thinking about just how badly that could backfire. He was so used to talking to Hades like that, he didn't really assess his position correctly.

Heroes of Olympus Series. Annabeth Chase X Male Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now