1. New Town New Mystery

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                                                                    Shellstone, Texas 1964

Driving into a new town was no different than stepping into a new century; they had their own style and feeling that came with them. Isadora Hestia Alexiou had been to many towns, cities, and everything in between but this would be her first time in this particular town. Shellstone, Texas. She sized it up from a distance up on the hill, in her red Chevrolet Impala SS. It seemed to be pretty new. It was shiny and hopeful-looking with its pastel stone buildings.

She hung her arm over the side of the car and tapped her red-painted nails against the steering wheel.

"It seems kind of boring compared to the city we were living in last time... Wouldn't you say, Adonis?" She turned to the black wolf sitting in the seat beside her. He turned and his crimson eyes glinted in the sunlight.

"Don't give me that attitude, this was hardly my decision." She put her white shades down over her green eyes, stepped on the gas, and drove down the hill as the wind blew through her short strawberry-blonde hair.

"Well, it is a sunny town. I'll give it that, quite different from our previous three cities we stayed in."

Adonis howled.

"Aw, what is it? Does my little furry shadow not like all this sunlight? Get used to it buddy, we're going to be here for a while." She turned the mirror to face her and rubbed her cheeks.

"I'm due for a good tan anyway all that moody cloud cover sapped me of my pigment"

Adonis hung his head over the side of the car door and groaned.

"Speaking of moody. Hey, we're going to go meet Gal, that should cheer you up. He said he would be in some place called Teddy's Diner."

Adonis turned to her and his eyes lit up as he panted happily.

She grinned and scratched behind his ear. "Uh-huh, yeah, I knew that would cheer you up. You like him much better than you like me, don't you? Little traitor."

He barked and smiled.

"Oh, you." She scratched under his chin.

She drove into town and looked at all of the tall stone buildings. People walked up and down the sidewalk going about their day.

"Now, then, boy, where is that diner... salon, butcher shop, bakery, blah, blah, blah... Ah, diner!"

Isadora pulled up to the curb, parked then stepped out of her car.

"Come on, boy." She said and Adonis climbed out of the car and followed her toward the glass door.

Isadora pulled the door open and the bell above it rang. Adonis stepped through first and she followed after.

"What a cute place a bit smaller than all of those upscale places we're used to, what fun." She took in a deep breath and Adonis barked. "Oh, I know Mommy's going to get you a burger."

The diner had black and white checkerboard floors, turquoise and white seats, and booths. A jukebox was placed up against the wall and was playing 'Be My Baby' by The Ronettes.

"My lady."

She smiled at the sound of the familiar voice and turned to see Gal sitting at a table by the window waving at her.

Adonis barked and hurried over to him.

"Hey, there's my favorite boy." Gal leaned over and scratched behind his ears.

She walked over and sat down across from him. The table was already set with her favorite American food. A grilled cheese sandwich, fries, and a rootbeer.

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