16. The Locator Spell

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Robin sat on the porch of Isadora's house looking at the dagger she gave him. He kept thinking about that night when his world was shattered. He could never forget that monster's face or the look in Luis's eyes just before he disappeared. Isadora asked him why he wanted to become a slayer but he was unable to tell her. For years he had kept his desire for revenge a secret. He wasn't sure what she would say if he told her. But more than that he hated talking about what he went through.

She mentioned there were rituals one went through in order to become a slayer. What kind of rituals were they? Why didn't she remember them? There was more to this than she was letting on that was clear. Even so, he couldn't bring himself to ask.

The door suddenly opened behind him and he turned to see Tristan and Medusa walk out.

"Oh, really, you're going to bring that up now?" Tristan said as he put on his suit jacket.

"All I'm saying is if you hadn't used The Mort Cramoisie charm on him everything would have turned out fine. Isadora and I could have handled it if you hadn't gotten involved."

Tristan rolled his eyes. "That was centuries ago, Serpent Locks, let it go already."

She grabbed him by the ear. "Talk back to me again, I dare you."

Robin stood up catching their attention. Medusa sighed, let go of his ear, and walked down the stairs toward Isadora's car.

Tristan buttoned his jacket and walked toward Robin. "Hey, so you're coming to see the big show?"

"Yeah... is she always like that?" He asked and tucked his hands in his jean pockets.

Tristan laughed. "No, not at all." He stopped laughing and locked eyes with him. "She's much worse. Stay on her good side. And what I mean by that is, avoid her like the plague." He patted him on the back once.

Robin nodded. "Right..."

"Hey, Dead Boy, you have the keys, right? Get over here and unlock the door already."

Tristan sneered. "Alright, I'm coming, you harpy."

Robin watched them bicker as he unlocked the door. He raised a brow and folded his arms. They were both friends of Isadora's but they were both very different and hated each other. Isadora was surrounded by very odd people. The oddest of which had to be Tristan. That magic of his that he saw in the attic was nightmare fuel. He shuddered at the memory.

"You don't plan on just carrying that dagger out in the open, do you?"

He turned around to see Isadora standing there dressed in a red turtleneck, black pants, and brown boots. She smiled and walked over to him holding a brown leather belt with a dagger scabbard.

"Here, take this. You'll find it useful when hunting a vampire or if one happens to be hunting you."

Robin took it and looked it over. "Thank you, this is great." He looked up at her. "Isadora, what do you plan on doing after you find Therius's location?"

"I'm going to take the others with me and finally kill him." She put a hand on his shoulder. "I want you to stay behind this time around. Therius is my most powerful opponent and I've yet to teach you combat. It will be dangerous for you."

"I thought you might say that." He sighed.

"Don't try to change my mind on this matter."

"I won't. I'm not that reckless. I know I have a ways to go before I can kill a vampire. I've studied all I can about them. It's time I put that knowledge forward."

"You will soon. I'll teach you everything I know and when the time comes you'll know what to do." Isadora said.

Robin smiled.

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