23. Medusa's Story

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Gal watched as Medusa drank down the entire glass of wine while stroking Adonis who had his chin resting on her leg.

She set down her glass and brushed away a drop from her bottom lip.

Gal raised his glass. "Cheers then." He took a sip.

"So, Isadora tells me she found you buried in a cave, is that true?"

He nodded. "Yes, it is."

"Interesting. Care to elaborate?"

"Well, let's just say things were more complicated than the legend makes them out to be," Gal replied.

"Oh, so your story was mistold as well? I never did catch your full name." Medusa replied.

"Galahad Du Lac." He replied.

"Oh, yes, I've read about you. The greatest knight, born to lead the quest for the grail. Weren't you meant to have ascended into the heavens? Did they kick you out?"

He rolled his eyes and took another sip. "Trust me my quest was not as glorious as the story would have you believe. As you said my story was mistold. I have no doubt Percival is behind that. He had to make it seem as if I met a victorious end. Who knows what lies he told to King Arthur upon his return to Camelot."

"That is ever the way, is it not? Your story gets taken away from you and is corrupted before your truth can escape your lips." She adjusted her sunglasses.

"The truth is I was betrayed. I thought Percival was my best friend. Little did I know that jealousy had taken root in his heart. He despised me and attempted to take my life."

"Really? Whatever was he jealous of?"

"Before I arrived in Camelot in search of my Father, Lancelot, it was believed that Percival would be the one to lead the quest for the grail. He would have received glory and honor and would sit in The Siege Perilous, the seat reserved for the one who was foretold by Merlin to be the knight who would successfully bring the grail to Arthur. Truth be told I never had any intention of becoming a knight of the Round Table. I merely wished to find my Father but my destiny was sealed the moment I stepped foot in Camelot."

Gal took another drink of wine then stared down at the red liquid silently.

"Merlin had seen my coming long before I was born. He knew that I would become a knight. He even knew that I would be the one to pull the sword of the red hilt from the stone in the river."

"The old fool is never wrong." She replied.

He shook his head. "Never."

"It is a shame things didn't turn out how you expected." Medusa said.

"In all these centuries if there is one thing I have learned it is to never rely on my expectations," Gal replied.

Medusa poured another glass of wine. "Wise words. I'll drink to that."

Gal swirled the wine in his glass. "Yes. After I found the grail, Percival ran me through with his sword. The grail granted me eternal life upon my pleading for my life. It heard my desperate cry and granted the wish it had previously promised me. Although at the time I was merely pleading to God."

"Yes, but at that time it was the greatest wish of your heart was it not?"

He nodded. "At the time, yes. Yes, I suppose it was. Centuries past and I remained in a deep sleep. Isadora found me in the cave and awoke me from my slumber. She took me out into the strange new world. I have been at her side ever since."

Medusa ran her finger along the rim of the glass. "It must have been strange to see how the world had changed."

He nodded. "It was but being with her made it easier to adjust. So, what about you? How did you meet Isadora?"

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