46. She's Gone

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Isadora lay on her bed stroking Adonis's head as he lay by her side. "You already knew, didn't you? You've known for a long time that there was a calamity in my future."

He turned his head and whimpered.

She sighed and rested her forehead against his. "Why didn't you tell me?"

He barked lightly.

"Gal? What about Gal?"

Adonis barked again and rubbed his head against her face.

"He knew... How long has he known? Why didn't he want you to tell me?"

He chuffed then barked and panted.

Isadora closed her eyes and rubbed his side. "A seer, of course... I shouldn't be surprised that he wanted to keep it a secret. Gal has always been protective of me."

Adonis whimpered.

"I could never be mad at you, I love you. You're my best boy." She said and kissed his head.

Adonis fell asleep on her arm with his chin resting on her shoulder as she continued to pet him.

"We've been through so much together. You have been by my side longer than anyone... You know me better than anyone. I don't want to leave you. Promise me that if I die you will be my guide to the Underworld. Guide me through as you did all those centuries ago. After that look after my family for me." She whispered.

Isadora closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep. 

Gal stared up at the stars as he stood in front of Isadora's house

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Gal stared up at the stars as he stood in front of Isadora's house. That ridiculous corpse lost the spell. Now that it was in Therius's possession his plan that he had for the end of the year was no doubt underway. How were they supposed to fight back against this? They had no idea what the spell even did. He tightly clenched his fist and took a deep breath. What were they supposed to do?

"She's been different lately."

He turned around and looked at Medusa who was sitting on the porch smoking a cigarette.

"I know." He replied.

"She's unfocused and in unguarded moments she seems depressed," Medusa said and took a draft from her cigarette.

"It's clear that something is wrong with her but if she wanted to tell us she would. Asking won't do any good. Not with her."

Medusa nodded. "I couldn't have said it better myself. She's hell-bent on helping everyone around her but keeps the rest of us at arm's length when we try to help her. I hate how endearing and infuriating it is all at once."

"Someone as old as she is is not prone to changing easily. I think this is something we'll just have to learn to deal with and accept as a core part of who she is." Gal said.

"I understand that but I just wish she would let me in. I want to help her... I need to help her, otherwise what kind of friend am I?" She tossed her cigarette on the ground and hit her fist against her knee.

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