7. Nothing has changed

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Isadora walked down the street with Adonis at her side. The sky was a rich blue without a cloud in the sky. She unhooked her sunglasses from her blue silk sleeveless blouse and put them on.

People walked by her, minding their business and attending to their own affairs. She watched them closely. Any of them could have Tristan's shadow attached to them. There were very distinct signs she was on the lookout for.

A man in a blue suit walked with a young woman in a pair of yellow capris and a white blouse holding his arm. They were talking and laughing. She watched them discreetly and looked into their eyes. Nothing. She looked for the mark. Clear.

Adonis sniffed the air and kept his senses sharp as they continued on.

Why couldn't Tristan be patient? He unleashed a relentless shadow out in the middle of this town and now it could be attached to any living soul like some parasite. She had to find it and fast. 

After classes, Robin went and sat in Teddy's diner

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After classes, Robin went and sat in Teddy's diner. He was drinking a Coke while reading a book titled Divinities: Irish Mythology volume 1.

The waitress walked over to him and set his plate down. "Here's your eggs, bacon, and toast, Robin."

He looked up and set his book down. "Thanks, May."

"You're welcome, enjoy." She smiled and walked away.

Robin poked the center of the egg with his fork and watched the yolk run down.

That nightmare had come on so suddenly. It was true that after that happened he was plagued with many nightmares but this one was different. It was so clear and vivid it felt as if he was reliving the entire experience. Because of it, he had been on edge all morning. Reading usually helped but not today.

His leg bounced up and down as he ate. He turned toward the window as he took a sip of his Coke to see Isadora walking past. Cindy's words rang in his mind.

"Find a date or I'll find one for you."

He set his coke down, grabbed his book, and hurried out of the diner.

"Hey, Isadora." He called as he came up to her.

She turned around and he looked down to see a wolf beside her with glowing red eyes.

His eyes widened and he jumped. "Whoa!"

Isadora laughed. "Don't worry, he doesn't bite just anyone. This is Adonis."

He let out a huge breath. "Right... so... you have a pet wolf...?"

She smiled and swayed from side to side. "He's more like a best friend than a pet, isn't that right, boy?"

Adonis looked up at her and panted happily.

"Wow, um, I was not expecting... that." Robin crouched down and reached out to pet him.

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