13. Darkness Within

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Tristan came down the stairs after his shower rubbing his blond hair with a towel.

"Izzie, I need to talk to you about-" He stopped when he saw a mortal man sitting on the sofa.

"Who are you? And what are you doing here?" He asked with a confused gaze.

"Oh, hi, I'm Robin Rivera. I'm a friend of Isadora's. I'm staying here under Isadora's protection."

Tristan put the towel around his neck. "Right, okay... could have used a heads up seeing as I'm her roommate."

Then again she wasn't really talking to him right now. That was in fact exactly what he was hoping to talk to her about. He was hoping she would stop being angry with him. It was going to be difficult to catch her alone though now that Serpent Locks was hanging around. She was possessive and territorial over Isadora like a dragon with its gold.

"So, you're her roommate. You must be Tristan then. I've heard you, spoken of quite a bit."

He smiled. "That I am. Izzie and I have been friends for a long time. Now, what is it you need protection from, exactly?"

"Last night Isadora and I were attacked by a vampire. I saved her and now she says that he and someone named Therius will be targeting me."

Tristan raised a brow. "Wait, you saved her? You, a mortal, stopped Riktor?"

"Yes. I had this shadow attached to me and it responded to my fear and saved her."

Tristan walked over, climbed onto the arm of the sofa, and perched himself.

Robin's eyes widened and he leaned away from him.

"So, you are the vessel that my shadow attached itself to." He reached out and grabbed his face looking into his brown eyes.

"Yes... yes... I can see it now. The shadow has left but there are still traces escaping from you even now."

Robin pulled his hands off his face and stood up looking at him uncomfortably. "What are you doing?"

Tristan smiled as he rested his arms on his knees. "I wonder why the shadow chose you."

Robin raised a brow. "What do you mean?"

"To be precise. A shadow only chooses someone who has darkness within them already. Something buried that they can latch onto and feed off of. Deep anger or profound sadness. Something that eats away at them, body and soul. And the shadow chose you."

Robin looked away. "The shadow must have had me wrong. I don't have any hidden darkness or whatever it is you said. I'm a perfectly normal mortal. I have a job, and family that I love, and a best friend who I think the world of. In any case, I have to make a call so if you'll excuse me." He said then walked away.

Tristan smirked. Trying to lie to a necromancer about darkness. You would have better luck lying to a mind reader about your thoughts. He could see it in his eyes. There was a great darkness that he was keeping within him. It had taken root in the deepest part of his heart and was festering. How long would it take before it devoured him completely?

 How long would it take before it devoured him completely?

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