10. The Shadow

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Gal put his hand to his gut and hunched himself forward. He cringed at the searing pain that was surging and emanating from the wound.

Therius. He and Isadora suspected he was there the entire time. They knew it was only a matter of time before he showed himself. He attacked Gal first. That was different from what he had expected. He thought he would target Isadora directly. He was playing a game. He finally got it through his thick skull that he couldn't physically hurt Isadora so now he was attacking her through him. But that wasn't all. He said that Isadora would be reunited with someone from her past. Gal gritted his teeth and tightened his fist. He knew exactly who that person was.

He had sent Adonis to go and bring her back home. That wasn't enough. He needed to go to her. Gal tried to stand and staggered forward when he was caught under his arms. He wearily looked over his shoulder and saw a woman's face wearing white sunglasses. His vision blurred in and out until everything went dark. 

Robin watched as Isadora skipped down the dark path in the woods at the edge of the park

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Robin watched as Isadora skipped down the dark path in the woods at the edge of the park.

"Where are we going exactly? I mean you're leading me through the woods in the dark on a first date. You don't intend to murder me and bury me here, do you? I mean that wouldn't be my worst date, to be honest, but I'd like to know where we're going."

Isadora turned around and giggled as she began walking backward. "It's a surprise. You'll see when we get there." She winked and tossed him a flashlight.

He flipped the switch on and began looking around. "A surprise, huh? I've lived here my entire life. It will be difficult to find something to surprise me." He turned to her as she walked backward, to see a log behind her.

"Watch out." He reached out, grabbed her wrist, and pulled her forward.

She staggered into him, he tensed up and his heart started pounding. He took a step back and she looked up at him.

"Are you alright?" He asked.

She smiled. "Yes, I'm fine, thank you."

"So... are we almost there?" He avoided her gaze.

"Yep, just a little further." She turned around and started walking again.

He let out a breath and pulled on the side of his caller. Why was he feeling so nervous and why was his face so warm?

Robin continued to follow her down the path.

"So, what is your family like?" Isadora asked.

"My family? Well, my papá is really busy. He runs a lumber mill on the east side of town. He inherited the business from my Abuelito who started it after my family moved from Puerto Rico. My papá was a teenager when they moved to America. He met my Mom, Sally Mckenna, here in Shellstone. She was his high school sweetheart. My Abuela is really sweet, though she is a little on the feisty side. Actually, Cindy reminds me of her in some ways." He laughed.

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