19. The Study

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Tristan and Gal stepped through the wall and found themselves in a dark space with no walls or ceiling, they couldn't even feel the ground beneath their feet. Adonis followed in after and walked up beside Tristan.

Gal looked around, on his guard. "What is this place?"

"This is the space between the doorway and the interdimensional room that was created. We should run into it if we keep walking."

Gal gave an irritable expression. "I truly hate all of this dark magic, I want no part of it."

Tristan raised a brow. "I know, but if Therius is in league with a necromancer then we need to know that and we need to know why."

"Finally, something we agree on. Even so, I don't like this place." Gal replied.

"Fayette, sees a light up ahead." She said and pointed into the dark distance.

Tristan looked to see a small faint white light.

"She's right, come on. We need to be ready for anything." He said and pulled up his black leather gloves.

Gal held his sword at the ready. "I'm way ahead of you."

Adonis barked and ran ahead of them toward the light.

The light became brighter and brighter until they passed through it and found themselves surrounded by shelves of bottles filled with black, red, and white liquids.

A wooden desk stood next to the shelf. Atop it was a black candle burning with a blue flame alongside pages scrawled with necromantic symbols and writings.

Tristan furrowed his brows and picked up one of the pages. "These are pages from my spellbook." He started looking around. "It must be here somewhere."

"Further proof you were right. Therius does have a necromancer... but what in the world for?"

"Perhaps your friend isn't the only one who works with those who hold invaluable skills." They heard a voice say.

Tristan and Gal whirled around to see a figure step out of the shadows wearing a black cloak. The hood hung over his head and he wore a deer skull on his face.

Gal pointed his sword at him. "Who are you?" He demanded.

He smiled. "No one of consequence. I think a better question would be, What are you two doing barging into another man's study?"

Tristan scoffed. "That's rich coming from someone who is using another necromancer's spellbook. What's the matter, you couldn't create your own?"

Fayette suddenly slid off of Tristan's back, ran over to the man, and held onto his cloak. "Big brother!" She said and he put his hand on her head. 

"Watch little one what happens to those who trespass in this house."

He waved his hand and the floor beneath them turned into a dark liquid and they began sinking into it.

Adonis let out a whimper as the dark liquid bubbled and pulled him down.

"Tristan! Don't you know this spell? Do something?" Gal asked in a panic.

"Big problem." He replied and held onto Adonis to keep his head above the darkness.

"What? Problem?" Gal asked with wide furious eyes.

"I don't know this spell."

"Of course not. I created it myself. Now then, surrender to the darkness. There is no point in fighting back. You will never get out of this."

He took the little vampire girl's hand and they walked away into the shadows disappearing from sight. She didn't even look back.

Tristan sighed. He wanted to get her out of here but she was gone now. There was no telling where he took her. At least he knew she wouldn't be hurt. She was one of Therius's children after all.

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