34. The Kiss

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Robin held Isadora close like she would vanish if he let her go, as he continued to kiss her passionately. He never thought this would happen. He thought she didn't feel the same.

Robin pulled away from the kiss and held her face in his hands as he rested his forehead against hers.

"Isadora, I need you to answer me honestly before I dare let myself hope again. Am I really what you want? Before you told me that you made an oath-"

Isadora put her hand to his mouth softly and smiled. "I've never wanted anything more. I've walked this world through the ages alone and I thought I was content to remain so. I didn't realize just how desperately lonely I really was until I met you. I need you, Robin. You are everything I've been looking for and I didn't know..." She laughed slightly. "I didn't know. Being with you brings me joy I didn't know I could feel."

He moved her hair behind her ear. "I feel the same. But I can't help but worry about the future. Isadora, you know that I'm mortal. One day I'll die and I can't bear the thought of leaving you behind to wander this eternal life all alone again."

Isadora's expression turned dark and Robin instantly regretted what he said.

She put her hands on his shoulders and looked deeply into his eyes.

"That day will never come, I promise you it won't. I'll search this entire world to find a way. I will harrow hell itself to find a way for us to be together forever."

Robin smiled. "I won't let you do all of that alone. Whatever happens in the future, let's face it together."

She grinned. "Okay."

They embraced and Robin felt a warmth and peace envelop him, then settle in his chest. Being in her arms was like nothing else. He never wanted to let go.

"So... Um, what's the penalty now that you've broken your oath? I mean... Artemis is probably watching us." He said and looked up at the moon nervously.

She sighed. "Well, if she were to get angry with me, which is unlikely she knows smiting me wouldn't do any good. You on the other hand..."

He pulled from the embrace and looked at her anxiously. "Me?"

She laughed. "Don't worry, you'll be fine. Artemis and I have spoken on several occasions... She pities me because of what happened to my Mother and the order. She told me once before that because she was unable to protect them from Zeus she would not hold me to my oath should I choose to break it... After all, I was completely alone. No sister huntresses at my side. She would never wish to condemn me to that. I kept my oath though until this point. Artemis will not hold it against me."

Robin rubbed her arm and looked at her empathetically. "What happened to the other huntresses? I don't think you ever told me."

She turned to the horizon as the wind blew through her hair. "During the peak of the order's power, the people of Athens started to praise the slayers more than the Gods. They protected them from Therius and his spawn and all of the other evil creatures that threatened their lives. As my Mother once said, never underestimate the jealousy of the Gods. Zeus in his fierce jealousy struck down all of the slayers... including my Mother. It was my duty from that point on to carry on her legacy."

Robin took her hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. "I'm sorry when you told me your Mother died as well I never could have imagined that it happened like that. To kill all of those women out of jealousy..." He shook his head. "That is despicable and cruel, and it was done because she was serving the people. Unbelievable."

She gave a sad smile. "Artemis was furious. She went to Zeus to confront him about what he was doing. She commanded him to stop, saying they were her huntresses. Her disciples, but not even his favorite daughter could stay his hand. He thirsted for revenge."

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