3. The New Professor

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Isadora watched as Gal walked up to the chalkboard and wrote down Professor Du Lac. He had on a pair of glasses that made her almost laugh. He was trying to look smart. She knew better, Gal was all muscle and strategy.

She looked around at the class subtly from the corner of her eye. She didn't sense anything out of the ordinary. The class was full of mortals that much was clear. If there was something in the classroom it was using a powerful glamour. The rest of the classes would reveal if the university was in the clear.

"Alright, class, tell me what is the best way to learn about history?" He asked and swung his wooden pointer stick around like a sword.

A girl in the second row raised her hand.

"Yes, please say your name and then answer the question." He called on her.

"Samantha Hines. I believe the best method is a rigorous study from history books, and journals of those who lived during the time period you are trying to learn more about."

"Good." Gal nodded. "But what if this place in a particular time period doesn't have any surviving records left? Merely, let's say legends that attest to its existence. Then what? Some would argue the place never existed or there is perhaps truth in it but nothing that could be proven. Do you give up?"

Robin raised his hand.


"Robin Rivera. There have been many who have spent their lives devoted to the study of certain ancient civilizations or kingdoms to prove they existed. I don't think there is anything foolish in having a passion to find the truth."

Gal smiled. "Right, you are Mr. Rivera."

Isadora turned to Robin. He was the only one who had the answer that Gal was looking for. He was very interesting.

After the class ended Isadora started walking to her next class when Robin ran up beside her.

"Hey, Isadora."

"Yes?" She stopped and turned to him.

"I was wondering... Well, what I mean to say is what you did back there to that jerk. It was incredible. Where did you learn to do that?"

"Oh, I learned it back home."

"Home? Right, you're new in town, where are you from?"

"Well, I've been all over the place but I was born and raised in Greece. Athens to be exact."


She smiled and nodded as she continued walking.

"So you took some sort of class?" He asked and followed.

Isadora's mind flashed back in time, she was laying on her stomach on a stone altar as a hot needle dug into the flesh of her back.

She returned from the memory. "Yes, I guess you could say that."

Isadora stopped at the entrance of her art class. "Well, this is me, I better go. I hear Miss Green is very strict."

"Yeah, I've heard that too. It was nice getting to know you." Robin said.

"Don't say that like we'll never see each other again, Robin. I think we'll meet again very soon." She smiled and walked into the room. 


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