20. The River Styx

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Robin and Professor Du Lac drove down the road in silence. Robin's eyes landed on the sword that rested between their two seats.

"That's quite the sword. I suppose you're immortal like Isadora, huh?"

Professor Du Lac turned the corner and started driving into town.

"Yes, she and I are both immortal."

Robin nodded. "So, were you born immortal or are you-"

"I was granted immortality by an angel." He replied.

Each answer was straightforward but left out any sort of personal detail. He had a feeling that he had no desire to share anything about his personal life.

"Listen, Mr. Rivera. I know that Isadora has chosen to protect you. I have no objections to this, protecting others is what she does. But you need to understand that your involvement with her and I will come to an end after she has fulfilled this mission. We do not involve ourselves with the affairs of mortals past a certain point and you have already crossed that point. Let us not cross that line any further than is necessary shall we?"

"Wait, are you saying that after this mission I'll never see her again?" Robin asked.

"Yes, that is exactly what I am saying. When mortals become too involved in the affairs of those like us, things become complicated. Chaotic even. It is best for you and for her to cut ties altogether after this is done. It is better that you pretend you never knew her and forget everything that has transpired since we came into town."

"Forget... how can I just pretend that none of this ever happened... or that I never knew her? Isadora is not someone I can just forget." He said exasperatedly.

Professor Du Lac looked into his eyes. "Do not tell me that you have fallen in love with her."

Robin tensed up and turned away.

Professor Du Lac sighed and shook his head as he stopped in front of Robin's house.

Robin quickly threw off the seatbelt and opened the door.

"Mr. Rivera, if you take nothing from what I have said tonight at least take this advice to heart. Do not let yourself fall in love with Isadora."

Robin didn't reply or turn around. He shut the door behind him and went into the house. He went upstairs to his bedroom and sat on his bed in the dark. He looked up at the ceiling.

"Isadora..." He whispered.

Those words that Professor Du Lac said echoed in his mind. He sighed. It was too late. He had already fallen in love with her. Completely.

He took off the belt and scabbard, then unsheathed the dagger.

He stared down at the dagger in his hand. When he heard that creature's voice again he lost control over his body. His hands trembled and he became frozen to the spot. He swore he would never be like that again. He looked down on his childhood self and swore that he would be braver and stronger. How could he have faltered like that? He felt so pathetic. It pissed him off.

Robin leaned over to his desk and set the dagger down. He looked over at his wall as a moonlight shone through the window illuminating the sketches and notes he had sprawled and pinned to his wall. The picture of that vampire cloaked in shadows with eyes drawn in red ink seemed to stare at him.

He stood up, walked over to the wall, tore the drawing off, and began tearing it apart as the pieces fell to the floor.

He shut his eyes tightly and rested his forehead against the wall. If Robin had known sooner that Therius was the same vampire from all those years ago things could have gone differently. His brother. Where was he?

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