17. The Under Ground Chamber

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Isadora drove down the road holding the locket in her palm. They had already driven out of town but the locket was continuing to glow brighter on this course. Robin and Gal were driving close behind. The sun was setting in the distance and on either side of them, there were green fields fenced off by wire and pegs.

In her mind, she kept replaying the events of the past. That of the ball in Germany when she and Riktor stood on the balcony. She took his hand and placed the locket back in his palm.

She drew her brows and shook her head.

"I'm sorry, I can not accept this."

"Miss. Alexiou... I am confused... you led me to believe that such a token would not be unwelcome..."

"I am sorry, Mr. Wolf... I never meant to lead you on. I hope that we can be friends."

He tightened his lips and turned around with furrowed brows. "Might I ask if there is someone else?"

She shook her head. "There is no one else and there never shall be. I intend to remain single for the rest of my life. I can not devote myself in that way."

"Are you sure that is the case? What about that man who accompanies you?" He asked and turned to the door entrance where Gal stood standing with a glass of wine in hand.

She turned back to Riktor. "No, there is nothing between him and I. Mr. Du Lac is just a very dear friend."

"Perhaps, but it might not always remain that way. He shall one day give you his heart I can guarantee that. He does not look at you as one who is merely a friend. Might I know if there is even a chance that I might gain your love?"

She shook her head. "There is not and I am sorry to you. I have never fallen in love nor shall I ever. Forgive me. In the future, I shall try to be more guarded. I never meant to hurt you."

He nodded. "I understand. All the same please keep this token." He placed the locket back in her hand, closed her fingers around it, and smiled.

"If I accept it, please do not take it as a sign that I might change my mind."

"I won't... I know you are not one to change her mind once you have decided on something."

She smiled. "Thank you." She stood on her tiptoes and kissed his cheek before turning and leaving the balcony.

Isadora returned from the memory and tightened her grip on the steering wheel.

Her memories shifted. She was kneeling with him in her arms covered in his blood. Tears streamed down her cheeks. He reached out his hand to her face.

"Isadora..." He whispered.

She took his hand and held it tight. "I'm so sorry..."

"Kill me... please... you have to kill me... kill me now...."

She shook her head. "No... I won't... I can't..."

Isadora shut her eyes tightly, pushing the memory away.

"There, that must be it ahead," Medusa said and pointed into the distance.

Isadora turned to see an old red brick house on a large green field surrounded by a black metal gate.

She looked down at the locket to see it was glowing brighter than ever as they came closer to it.

"You're right. That's it. That is where Therius is hiding out." She tightened her grip on the locket. "I think it's about time we stopped in and said hi," Isadora smirked.

Medusa lowered her shades and grinned at her. "Oh, without a doubt."

Isadora pushed down on the gas and drove toward the gate.

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