37. Playful Training

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Isadora stood in the middle of the field staring up at the stars. He was coming, she could feel it.

"Isadora." He called and she smiled at the sound of his voice. She turned around to see Robin walking toward her, waving.

He grinned. "I swear the hours I've spent not being able to see you have felt like a decade."

She giggled as she walked over to meet him halfway. She put her hands on his shoulders. "Well, take a good look because you won't be seeing me for another few hours."

He looked at her in confusion. "What?"

She kissed his cheek then walked around him and started tying a blindfold around his eyes.

"Ah... That's what you meant... So, wait, what is this for? I don't suppose you're trying to surprise me. I mean it isn't even our anniversary yet." He said playfully.

She grinned and finished tying it into a knot. "This is a new part of your training. You are going to learn to fight the same way I did. You're focusing too much on your sight. When Therius attacks, you won't be able to see him move. He is far too fast. You need to learn to rely on your other senses. If you can strengthen your sense of hearing it will make you much more dangerous. There is also one other sense you need to strengthen."

"What is that?" He asked.

She walked around to face him and put a hand to his chest. "Your internal sense. Humans tend to ignore this sense but they do have it. I believe you sometimes call it a gut feeling. You can learn to sense things whether it is good or bad. Vampires have a powerful dark aura, strengthen your internal senses further and you will be able to sense when and where it moves in the space around you."

Robin nodded. "I know what you mean... My brother had that sense. I remember when I was a kid we passed by the abandoned church and I was curious to go inside. He grabbed my wrist to keep me from going. He told me he had a bad feeling about it. To this day I don't know what was in there but that wasn't the first time he had prevented me from doing something based on a feeling. His sense was never off."

"He sounds like a great older brother."

"He is... Was... I wish I knew if he was still alive..." Robin gave a pained smile.

Isadora rubbed his arm. "You will find him, Robin. I will do whatever it takes to help you, I promise."

He placed his hand on hers that rested on his arm. "Thank you, I don't know what I would do without you."

Isadora smiled softly.

"Alright, I'm ready." He said.

"For this lesson, I don't want you to worry about blocking or attacking. I want you to listen and feel. Broaden your senses. See if you can catch me," She said.

Robin nodded once. Isadora swiftly began sprinting around him.

 Isadora swiftly began sprinting around him

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