33. The Code

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Robin sat beside Isadora in the library after closing and showed her the code that he had discovered and how he found it. He kept stealing glances at her. She had seen Riktor as well but didn't say anything to him. She wouldn't tell him anything about where she went. But he had a feeling she had met with Riktor.

"You see I noticed in the illuminations within the margins of each chapter there is a number that repeats on each page and then changes with each new chapter. They are chapter numbers. So I compiled them all together then wrote out each first word in each of the chapters. I then came up with this." He said and showed her the poem.

Isadora rubbed her bottom lip as she read it over. "Ancient, tree, eternal, grant me thy curse. Innocent blood did your roots drink from soil most corrupt."

She put the notebook down and looked up at him with an amazed smile. "Robin, you did it. You found the lyrics to the tune in my head. You were right... The cursed tree really is from Arcadia. Incredible. I knew I could count on you. This is a major breakthrough."

Robin smiled. "I'm glad I was able to help. If there is a chance we can find that tree and kill Therius I will do what I can. What do you think the poem means? It clearly hints at the tree's origins but it's so vague."

"Poem... It almost feels more like a riddle. I can't be sure what it means as a whole but one thing is clear, a death took place where this tree stands."

Robin nodded. "Yes, I thought as much too. Where it says "innocent blood did your roots drink" it is clearly indicating murder."

Isadora nodded and drummed her fingers against her chin. "A murder... A curse... The murder must be what caused the curse."

Robin looked at the book and ran his hand across the illuminations. "But who was murdered? I feel that is something we can't overlook. If we know who was murdered and why we'll know what the nature of this curse is."

Isadora nodded. "I couldn't agree more. You're on the right track. Come on, we need to meet with the others. Can I borrow some paper from your notebook?" She asked.

"Of course." He replied and slid the notebook over to her.

She wrote down a message, tore it off from the notebook, then held it out in front of her as it caught fire in her hand. The ashes blew away from her fingertips and vanished.

"Whoa... What was that? What did you just do?" He asked.

She brushed her hands together. "I sent a quick message to Gal. Come on." She stood up and he followed after her.

Tristan and Medusa walked into the abandoned church with Adonis

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Tristan and Medusa walked into the abandoned church with Adonis. It was dark except for the sunlight that poured in from the caved in roof. There were a bunch of empty pews covered in dust and cobwebs leading all the way up to the front.

Medusa curled her lips as she looked around. "This place still gives me the creeps," She said.

Tristan patted her shoulder. "Don't worry, darling, I'll protect you."

Codex Vampiric: Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now