4. Tristan Joubert

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Isadora walked down the street with Adonis following close beside her. It had been years since she had seen Merlin. She was looking forward to bothering him at work.

Isadora and Adonis walked into Avalon Bar. The atmosphere was relaxed but joyful and busy. Red and blue light twinkled through the smoke from the stained glass lanterns that hung from the ceiling.

"Well, well, if it isn't Miss. Bloodlust herself."

She smiled and put her hands on her hips as she turned to the man sitting in the corner. His messy blond curls hung around his strong jawline and his red eyes flickered in the lamplight. He wore a black coat and white dress shirt that was open, exposing his black and white tattoo. It was a skull ensnared with thorny vines, looping around the sockets and coming from the mouth. The vines went up his chest and wrapped around his neck.

"Tristan Joubert, Of all the places I thought I would see you again, this wasn't one of them."

"Yes, well life is always full of surprises." He replied and drank down his grey goose martini.

"It is whenever you're involved. You would think I'd be able to predict your movement after being around for this long."

He laughed.

Adonis barked and jumped up, placing his paws on his lap.

Tristan set his cigar down. "Adonis my old friend, you've been taking care of the little miss, haven't you?" He asked and scratched his cheeks.

Adonis barked.

"So, what are you doing in a dump like this, gorgeous?" He asked and looked up at her

"Meeting someone."

"Well, break my heart, don't tell me you have a date?"

She sighed. "No, of course not. It's work-related. I'm here to meet with Merlin."

He rubbed the back of his neck as he took a draft from his cigar. "Tough luck, my darling, Merlin isn't in right now. He left earlier, leaving his assistant in charge."

Isadora frowned, folded her arms, and tapped her foot irritably. "Typical. That is so typical, Merlin. He can never be here when I actually need him."

"Wizards are always like that. Everything is done on their schedule. So tell me what is the job this time?"

She took the seat in front of him and rested her chin in the palm of her hands. Adonis gave a concerned moan, walked over, and rested his chin on her leg.

"According to Gal, there have been a series of disappearances. Like the ones from 1730... or the ones from 1870..."

Tristan tapped his cigar ashes into the tray without looking her in the eye. "So, it's starting again."

She nodded.

"If he is here it won't take long for him to find out you're in town. Will you be alright?"

"Of course I will, this is me you're talking about," Isadora said.

Tristan turned his gaze away and smiled slightly. "Right, I forgot who I was talking to. The woman who can handle any challenge with a smile. So how is little Gally doing? He's keeping you in trouble, I hope."

"Gal?" She scoffed. "No, he's the same worrying little nanny he's always been."

Tristan laughed. "I figured as much."

"So, you never told me what you're doing in Shellstone." She said.

His smile fell. "I've come here for a personal affair."

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