42. Avoid Calamity

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                                                                                1 Week Later

Isadora stood in front of the stove making a pot of rose tea while Medusa leaned against the counter beside her petting Adonis who was standing up on his hind legs smiling at her.

"I mean I'm just surprised Tristan has managed to keep a girl interested for longer than a week."

"I won't deny that I'm surprised he managed to find a girl who captured his heart but I'm happy for him. Don't go around teasing him about it, okay?"

Medusa smirked. "But it has been far too long since I've had such good material to use against him."

Isadora shook her head and poured the tea into the cups. "You need a hobby."

"Throwing darts at Dead Boy is my hobby."

Tristan walked into the dining room shitless drying his hair with a towel. "Is that rose tea? I'll have a cup."

Medusa hissed. "Put a shirt on your blinding us all."

He grinned and wrapped his towel around his neck. "What? Is my radiant beauty too much for you to handle, Serpent Locks?"

"Handle this." She said and threw a kitchen knife at him which landed in his shoulder.

He pulled it out, walked over to her, and tapped the tip of the blade against her nose. "Tsk tsk, that isn't very nice, Serpent Locks, I thought Isadora raised you better." He tossed it over his shoulder and into the sink.

Adonis walked over to Tristan and barked happily.

"Both of you cut it out and sit down at the table," Isadora said as she poured another cup of tea.

Medusa sneered at him and walked over to the table. They both sat down and she came over and set their cups down in front of them.

"Have you heard any word from Heracles yet?" Tristan asked.

Isadora shook her head as she sat down with her cup in hand. "I'm expecting to hear from him soon though. "I wish that you could figure out what that spell of yours does though." Adonis walked over and rested his chin on her leg and she scratched behind his ear.

Tristan took a sip of his tea, then set it down. "With a spell this complex and ancient the only way to know is to cast it and I don't fancy that idea."

"Who knows what damage it would cause." Medusa took a sip of her tea and then held it up to her serpents and they began licking it.

"I know. Therius really has us in a corner right now. Our best bet is to find that tree. We're really just waiting on Heracles at this point." Isadora sighed.

"I wish that old muscle head would work a little faster," Tristan said.

"He works faster than you." Medusa jabbed.

Tristan glared and looked at her from the corner of his eye as he sipped his tea.

Adonis barked at her and his eyes glowed red.

"That is far too dangerous, Adonis."

"What is it?" Usa asked.

"Adonis was suggesting casting the spell in Tristan's study but if anything went wrong with the spell, if it rebounded or worse it could damage his soul. The study is far too connected to him for that. It is an extension of his mind and psyche."

"Good thinking, Adonis, but it really is too dangerous," Tristan said.

Adonis chuffed, walked over to him and put his paws on his lap, and licked his face.

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