40. The Lake

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Cindy looked at herself in the mirror dressed in her white one-piece swimsuit with a blue collar and straps. She smiled as she remembered last night. He promised to stay in Shellstone. She bit down on her bottom lip then walked over to her bed, grabbed her white shorts and slipped them on over her swimsuit then put on her blue, shell-button-up blouse.

Her doorbell suddenly rang and she quickly buttoned up her collar and hurried downstairs.

"That was really quick I wasn't expecting you for another ten minutes-" She said as she opened the door to see Robin standing there.

She raised her brows. "Oh, it's you."

"Yeah, I'm on my way to class but I wanted to drop off these study notes to help you out with the upcoming history exam." He said and handed her his notebook.

She smiled. "Thanks."

"So where are you off to? Do you have another date lined up? Who is it this time?"

"Yes, I have a date but it's the same guy from last time."

"I see, so you really like this one, huh?"

"I do. Remember when you asked me to let you know if I went steady?"

Robin nodded and gave a knowing smile.

"Shut up." She rolled her eyes.

He laughed.

"Last night we decided to make things official. He's going to stay here in Shellstone just for me."

"That's great, I'm really happy that you finally found someone who makes you happy."


"Well, now that you're going steady, I'm going to have to meet him and see if he's good enough for you like I promised."

"Right, right, your brotherly duty. You can do that tomorrow right now he is coming to meet me here for our date so you have to hurry along." She said and waved her hand at him.

"Fine, fine, but can I at least know his name?"

"I said later go, stop hovering."

"Okay, okay, I'm going." He said and backed off the porch as he put his hands up.

She shook her head, laughed, and closed the door. "Alright, I have to finish getting ready."

Cindy put on her shoes then packed up their lunch and put it in her bag.

She was hoping to get to know more about Tristan on their date last night and she did but there were still so many more questions. What exactly was he? That dark aura, those crimson eyes. His symbolic tattoos, even something about his past sounded like a time long ago. He was a complete mystery that she was dying to solve.

Her doorbell rang and she smiled as she grabbed her bag, left the kitchen, and went to answer it.

Tristan stood there smiling at her, dressed in a black short sleeve button-up shirt that revealed more intricate tattoos on his arms. They looked like runes of some sort.

"Good morning, Lucinda." He said then took and kissed her hand.

"Good morning, are you ready to go?"

"Oui, mon amour."

She grinned. "Alright, let's go."

They drove out of town a little ways up the dirt road until they reached a more forested area.

"Ah, so this lake is on the edge of town, no wonder I've never seen it before," Tristan said.

"It's hidden away out here but everyone who grew up in Shellstone knows about it. Most of us learned how to swim in this lake. Well, those of us who didn't believe the old urban legend we all grew up on." She said and parked the car.

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