29. The French Court incident

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Robin looked out the window at the raindrops pouring on the glass as Isadora continued to read through her book on Arcadia.

"Within Pan's forest every tree has a soul, a nymph who resides within, on nights when the moon is full they dance endlessly to the song that Pan plays on his flute fashioned from reeds he wove together." She read.

"Maybe you're right. I mean everything you have read so far tells of a beautiful magical place. It doesn't sound like a place where you would find a cursed tree."

"There is still more we can look through in this book but for now I think we could use a break. I'll make some tea." She said and stood up stretching her arms.

"Yeah, we can come back to this later with a fresh perspective." He agreed and followed her out of the room.

"What kind of tea do you like?" She asked.

"I don't drink much tea so you can decide." He replied as they walked down the stairs.

"I have quite an assortment since Gal and I both love to drink it. I think you might like Jasmine tea."

"Sounds good. So, what is the story with Professor Du Lac? He's a difficult person to figure out."

She laughed as they walked into the kitchen. She grabbed the yellow kettle off the counter and began filling it with water.

Robin sat down at the table and watched her in silence.

"Well, Gal, like myself, has a long history behind him, and some of that history he didn't get the chance to experience. He is a difficult one to figure out as you said but he is a good man, honorable, loyal, and brave. Other than Adonis, he has walked by my side longer than anyone else, although he met me later than the others." She turned on the burner then walked over to the table and sat across from him.

"He is the most valiant knight I have ever known."

"So, he's a knight that explains the sword, and quite a lot of his mannerisms."

"He is not just any knight, he is Galahad Du Lac son of Lancelot, the most perfect and noble of all knights, the one who was foretold to sit in the siege perilous."

Robin's mouth fell open slightly in shock. "That's who he is. But wait, I remember that in the legend he ascended into the heavens after his quest was fulfilled." He could hardly believe it.

"Wow, Galahad Du Lac, to think this entire time my history professor was a knight of the round table. Had I known I would have been asking him far more questions." He laughed.

She smiled slightly and rested her arms on the edge of the table. "The legend tells of a far more glorious outcome but it wasn't really like that for Gal. I know he can seem a little over-serious at times but his heart is always in the right place on things."

"I can see that. He clearly cares about you a great deal."

"He has always looked after me. He swore an oath to do so. He has been faithful to his word."

"You mentioned that Adonis has been with you the longest. I can tell he is no ordinary wolf within those crimson eyes of his lies a humanlike understanding. Where did you find him?" Robin asked curiously.

Isadora stood up, walked over to the stove, turned off the burner, and began pouring the tea.

"He found me actually. I guess you could say he's my savior."

Robin looked at her with an intrigued expression. "He saved you? From what?"

She looked down at the tea cup for a moment in silence. She blinked then walked over and set the tea down in front of him.

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