14. The Locket

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Isadora and Medusa walked into Avalon Bar. It was hazy with smoke and pixie dust in the air and was busy as usual with magic folk of all kinds.

Isadora looked down at Adonis who chuffed. She nodded at him. "Come on."

She walked over to the bar where Merlin stood making an apple martini.

"There you are. Galahad said you wished to speak with me. I must say you took long enough." He said.

"I came here before and you weren't even here. You're the one who took your time."

"Well, I can't very well be here all the time."

Isadora rolled her eyes. There was no point in trying to reason with him. He was as obstinate as ever.

"Keep irritating Isadora, wizard, and see what happens," Medusa said.

He turned to Medusa. "Is that, anyway, to talk to someone after they helped you?"

"Okay, that's enough, both of you. Can we talk somewhere more private, please?" Isadora said.

"Of course, right this way." He replied and opened up the bar gate allowing them entrance.

Isadora, Medusa, and Adonis followed him to the back door which he held open for them. Merlin looked back at the pixie and said, "Thistle, can you please, watch the bar while I'm gone?"

"Of course, Merlin." She replied with a smile.

Isadora walked into the room to see they were now in a large stone tower full of desks stacked high with old parchment scrolls and an array of shelves. Some were full of ancient spell books littered with bookmarks coming at the ends of the pages. Other shelves were full of oddly shaped crystal bottles filled with colorful potions.

Along the walls, tapestries were hung each depicting an image that moved. One was of a woman dancing on top of a lake. Magic thread was rare to come by but Isadora wasn't surprised as she had always known Merlin to be a collector of the rarest of magical artifacts.

Medusa walked over to the slowly spinning globe on the cluttered desk and reached out to touch it.

"Do not touch that! Do you want to cause an earthquake in France?"

Medusa pulled her hand away and hissed.

"In fact do not touch anything if you can." He narrowed his eyes at her.

Medusa walked back over to Isadora's side, folded her arms, and gave an irritable expression.

"He sure is as high-strung as ever." She said.

Isadora turned to her and laughed as she put her arm around her shoulders.

"Yes, he really is."

Merlin walked over to his chair and took a seat. "Alright, you wanted a private place. Well, here we are in the most secure location in the world. Now then, what is it you wished to speak to me about?"

"I'm certain you already know that Therius is in town." She said and locked eyes with him.

Merlin stroked his beard. "Yes, I am well aware. He makes no effort to suppress his aura. Darkness lurks in every corner of this town. Many disappearances have taken place as well."

"I know it has started again just like in the past. Therius is taking innocent people, some will be enslaved as blood cattle, and the rest will become a part of his cult."

"Yes, 'his children' I believe is what he called them before. Born of a strong blood bond. Blood magic is powerful. Once the bond is created there is no breaking it."

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