27. The Tree

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Isadora walked alongside the necromancer through the darkness until they arrived in his small study. She looked around but didn't see any signs of Tristan's spellbook. It seemed that someone decided to do some tidying up before their guest arrived.

She walked over to his bookshelf and picked up a black velvety book and started flipping through the pages to see a sketch of a beautiful woman with long wavy hair and a sweet smile.

"So, you have me where you want me, what now?" She asked and flipped to the next page to see a sketch of a little boy with a large grin.

He walked over and took the book away from her. "Now, if you wouldn't mind taking a seat, miss. Alexiou." He put the book back on the shelf and she walked past him taking a seat at his table.

He walked behind her and she watched him closely as he made his way to the other side of the table and took his seat.

"Miss Alexiou, how familiar are you with necromancy?"

She laughed. "I taught Tristan everything he knows. I may not be a necromancer myself but I am quite familiar with the dark arts."

"I see." He tapped his fingers on the table.

"You've asked the first question, now allow me to ask the second. What does Therius need a necromancer for?" She folded her arms on the table.

"Therius is powerful but he has his limits. There are things that only someone like me can accomplish. My power shares no equal I can assure you. I can perform spells that not even your necromancer can perform."

"You say that and yet you had Riktor steal his spellbook. Why?"

He smiled. "He had something of use to me."

"Most of Tristan's spells were of his own creation. If you are so powerful, why couldn't you just create your own spell?"

"The spell that I desired was not of Tristan's creation. I desired a very old spell. Powerful magic that has not been seen in eons." He laughed. "I doubt your necromancer would even recognize what he was looking at if he were to see it."

"That is a very specific description and you give it away so liberally. I doubt Tristan has many spells that match such a description."

"I have nothing to hide."

This man spoke as if he was ten steps ahead of her while standing behind her with a knife. What was he hiding? Why did he wish to speak with her in the first place? What ace did he hide up his sleeve and why was he not afraid of her finding out his and Therius's plot? He was an enigma.

"Now we come to my point in bringing you here, miss. Alexiou."

"I was hoping we would get to that part." She replied.

"How much do you know of aiónios?" He asked.

She drew her brows not expecting the question. "Um... not much. I heard of some local legend in passing some centuries ago. It was an ancient tree and it was said to be cursed... that was all I heard."

He sighed and turned his gaze to the darkness. "I see, you know nothing at all then."

"What did you think that I knew?" She pressed.

"Therius has often spoken to me about that tree. The eternal tree and the lifeblood that courses through its roots. I believe that if I can find this tree it will spell the end for Therius."

Isadora leaned away in surprise. "Wait, you want Therius dead?"

He laughed. "Want him dead? I long for his death like a newborn vampire thirst for blood." His soft voice turned heavy and sharp. He tightened his fist till his nails dug into his flesh, and blood poured from his palm.

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