28. The Spell

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Robin sat at Isadora's desk in her library across from her as they poured over different books searching for references to this ancient tree the necromancer had mentioned. He had read a lot of mythology and he had never once heard a reference to this 'eternal tree' as she called it.

While she poured over ancient books written in Greek, German, Dutch, Italian, and many others he read some of her newer books that were written in English, Spanish, and French, those being the only three languages he knew.

While they researched Gal paced around them like a hawk it was a bit distracting but he didn't say anything.

On the other side of the library, Tristan was sitting on the floor staring down at the paper with the spell chanting under his breath. His eyes had turned an inky black. It was completely unsettling and he wasn't sure what he was trying to accomplish.

It was a less than ideal atmosphere for researching but each of them was doing their part to help Isadora so he just had to carry on.

"There!" Medusa suddenly sang out, startling Robin.

He looked up to see her pointing at the page from over Isadora's shoulder.

"I know that forest." She said adjusting her sunglasses.

Isadora looked over at her. "You do?"

She smiled and nodded. "That is the black forest in Germany. Many dark fae reside there from the Unseelie court. If this cursed tree really exists that would be the place to find it."

Isadora smiled. "The black forest could be the place. We should look into it and see what we find. Once we know the location we should be able to find the information we seek."

Medusa flipped the page. "If only we had more to go on other than a name and a curse."

"The name Isadora mentioned, "aiónios" is Greek though. Wouldn't that mean the tree is Greek in origin?" Robin suggested.

"It is likely but we shouldn't rule out any possibilities," Medusa replied.

Isadora leaned back in her chair. "I agree." She looked over at Tristan. "I just hope that Tristan can figure out the origins of that spell."

Robin scratched his head. "Is that what he is doing?"

She nodded. "Yes, When learning a spell's origins, Tristan goes into a trance state and he begins to dissect the spell down to its fundamentals. It's a bit difficult to explain or understand for those who have never experienced it for themself. Tristan is the only one who can do it."

"But if that spell is from his journal then how come he has no idea what it does?"

"Tristan has a strange gift. One he has always had ever since he was a child. Occasionally he has visions, and in these visions, he sees spell formations. He always draws them out but afterward he never even remembers doing it. During the years I trained him I have seen him do this many times. It's the reason that he had to train himself diligently to know how to learn a spell's essence and origin because without knowing a spell's fundamentals a necromancer can't cast it."

"Wow, so that's why..." He looked over at Tristan's dark eyes.

Everything he had seen of Tristan's necromantic magic was creepy to behold. He looked like a corpse just sitting there. He wasn't even breathing.

"If I had magic I would not sign up for necromancy." He shuttered.

"It certainly isn't for everyone." Isadora smiled and flipped the page.

He closed the book he was looking at and opened up a codex, one that was written in French. It was a very old compilation of legends, poems, and myths from around the world. He had to be gentle turning the frayed pages because of how old and worn it was. Considering it was from the 1500s, it was actually in pretty great condition. Isadora had preserved her books, scrolls, and codexes very well.

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