30. The Dance

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Tristan stepped out of the men's clothing department to see the rain had finally subsided and gave his dress coat a tug.

Cindy smiled, nodded approvingly then walked over to him and fixed his tie.

"You look handsome," She said.

"Thank you, now would you mind telling me where you are taking me?" He asked and raised a brow.

She grinned and smoothed out his lapel. "It's a surprise."

"A surprise, you say? Well, I'm intrigued."

"Come on." She took his hand and pulled him along.

They drove down the street and stopped at a small red brick building.

"Here we are." She said and spun her key ring around her fingers once.

Tristan stepped out of the car, walked around, and opened the door for her.

"Shall we?" He asked and held out his hand.

"Ever the gentlemen." She said and placed her small soft hand in his.

He helped her out and they walked toward the green door with the glass window.

She knocked twice and a tall young man opened the door. His eyes lit up and he grinned.

"Hey, Josh." She waved.

"Cindy, it's about time you came around here. The floor is in dire need of someone who can show these cats how to swing." He said then eyed Tristan up and down, his smile faltering slightly.

"And who is this?" He asked.

Tristan already didn't like this guy.

"This is Tristan, he's my date for the evening." She replied and took his arm.

"Right... Well, come on in. Save me dance will ya?"

"Of course." She said and they walked past him into the building.

Tristan looked around and smiled. There was a stage where a band dressed in plaid shirts and slacks stood playing the piano drums and trumpets. The lead singer was upfront singing and dancing.

On the hardwood floor, couples stood in pairs dancing and laughing. The atmosphere was lively and fun. Just what he needed to clear his head of all the troubles that were plaguing his mind.

"So, what do you think?" Cindy asked.

He turned to her and took her hand. "I think I would love nothing more than to dance with the prettiest girl in the room."

She giggled. "Alright, if you think you can keep up." She held his hand and pulled him onto the dance floor making him stagger forward.

They found a clear space and waited a moment for the next song to hit and without missing a beat she started to dance the twist and Tristan quickly followed suit.

He had actually never done this dance before but he was able to pick it up quickly. Cindy moved with such fluidity and precision that if she wanted to she could easily have become a dancer.

Normally he only dated a girl once but he was becoming increasingly more drawn to this curious mortal girl. Something about her was quite alluring. He was used to being one step ahead but she was taking the lead and he wanted to follow to see where the game would take him.

"You're really good," She said.

"Thank you but my skills are far from being on par with yours."

"It's just that I come here every week. I always try to drag my best friend out here but he has two left feet and refuses to come." She laughed.

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