48. The Ball Part 1

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                                                                   Four Months Later

Isadora stood in front of her mirror and looked at herself. She was dressed in a dark green 1870s ball gown that she bought in Paris for a ball that was held on Tristan's estate. It was cinched at the bodice and the bustle was covered with layers and layers of ruffles and lace. Her hair was curled and adorned in the traditional fashion.

She turned around. "What do you think?"

Adonis barked and opened his mouth into a smile.

She grinned. "Thank you. I wish you could go to the ball as well, however, Robin is my date tonight. That and the University has strict rules about animals coming into the school."

He barked and growled lightly in disappointment.

"I know, I agree, wolf discrimination if I ever saw it." She shook her head and walked past him. She lifted her leg and set her foot on the edge of a chair as she moved her dress aside revealing a slit along the leg. She secured her dagger in the scabbard strapped to her thigh. "Okay, now I am ready to dance," She said.

Medusa walked through the door and her eyes widened. "You look incredible. I feel as if I have stepped back into the past with you. I missed this look," She said.

Isadora laughed. "As did I. The 1700s through the 1800s was the peak of fashion."

Medusa nodded. "It truly was."

"So, you will wait in hiding until Therius strikes."

Medusa smiled. "I remember. You and Robin take care, alright?"

"We will. He has become very skilled over these past months."

"I know, he could probably give Old Rusty Knight a run for his money."

Isadora laughed.

Medusa walked over and took her hands. "I know Therius is planning on crashing the party and everything but have fun tonight."

Isadora smiled. "I will." She walked out of the room, made her way downstairs, and found Tristan standing by the door dressed in a black tux. Ever since that horrible night he no longer wore his carefree grin. His expression was always blank or dark there was no in-between. He hardly spoke.

"Tristan, are you sure you want to come tonight?" She asked.

"Of course I do. If anyone is going to remove Therius's head it should be me." He replied.

Isadora nodded. "Remember anything could happen. Act casual. Therius doesn't know that we know his plan takes place tonight. That much the necromancer seems to have been honest about."

Tristan nodded.

"Alright, I'll see you there, okay?" She patted his shoulder and approached the door when he took her hand.

She turned to him and he looked at her with a serious gaze. "After all is said and done, after Therius is dead, will you do me a favor?" He asked.

Isadora drew her brows. "Of course, anything."

"I want you to kill me."

Isadora's eyes widened and her chest tightened. "Tristan, no... How can you even ask me that?"

"Just do it for me. You're the only one who can."

She tightened her lips and shook her head. "Tristan, you're my dear friend, how could I ever?"

"I am not making this decision rashly, Izzie, I have had six months to think it over. I have lived a long full life. My life has been longer than most. None of it meant half as much as it did when I was with her. When I was with her I felt truly alive for the first time. Why should I continue to spend the rest of eternity without her? I would rather end things now and find her in the afterlife."

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